Will Affirmation Continue To Turn American Society Upside-Down In 2022?
Seeking affirmation instead of information is as silly and destructive as building an upside-down skyscraper in New York City.
"Free Larry Hoover" Highlights Black America's Self-Defeating Prophecy
Blacks have a decades-long history of supporting and celebrating some of the worst people society has to offer. It is a habit that stems from low cultural self-esteem and has disastrous consequences.
Men Must Conquer Their Gynophobia In The Battle Against Radical Feminism
Radical feminism is implicitly and explicitly tearing down men, keeping them sheepish, emasculated, and neutered like pet dogs. Men must conquer their fear of modern women in order for society to correct course.
Feminism Is Leading Women Towards The Wrong "D" Word
These dog moms and drug addicts are looking for the wrong "D" to satisfy them. The "D" they need can only come from a biological man. Socialism and cultural marxism can only flourish in a society devoid of men.
Joe Biden Is Ushering In The "Begin Book Burning" Era
As society continues to trend towards communism, a digital purging of information has already begun. Social media platforms are doxing, shadow-banning, or outright banning conservative content.
Rittenhouse's NOT GUILTY Verdict Saved Millions of Black Lives, But Many Do Not Realize It
The entire Kyle Rittenhouse saga was a complete shit show. News outlets claimed a teenage white supremacist committed first-degree murder against three black BLM supporters during a peaceful protest highlighting police malpractice. It was all a lie.
Black Americans Should Use Veteran's Day to Reunite and Refocus
As black Americans, we are as divided and possibly as vulnerable as we have ever been. There are battling factions of black men, black women, black liberals, black conservatives, black LGBTQ members, East Coast, West Coast, Southern, and Midwest blacks; simps, pimps, Crips, Bloods, Gangster Disciples, vaccinated, unvaccinated, etc.
Milk Crate Challenge Mirrors American's Thirst For Destruction
The Milk Crate Challenge symbolically represents how Americans enthusiastically walk down the road leading to our own destruction.
Is Hip-Hop Having A Red-Pill Moment?
Drake is one of the worst things to happen to Hip-Hop.
Point. Blank. Period.
Since his 2010 debut, Thank Me Later, the R&B crooner/Hip-Hop grifter has taken my favorite genre of music down a desolate blue-pill path. After all, he said in his song "6 Man", "Like I'm Lou Will, I just got the new deal. I am in the Matrix and I just took the blue pill."
Colin Kaepernick's New Publishing Deal Has Cemented Him As The Newest Drug Kingpin In America
Curtis Jackson should consider creating another Power spin-off: Power Book XII: Cultivating Colin. It would tell the story of civil rights "activist" Colin Kaepernick.