Black Americans Should Use Veteran's Day to Reunite and Refocus

November 11 was not always called Veteran's Day.

In fact, the first Veteran's Day was recognized in 1953. The eleventh day of November was initially called Armistice Day. It was a truce that, for all intents and purposes, ended World War I. The ceasefire was called at 11:00 am, ending one of the most brutal wars in human history. Roughly 30 million soldiers worldwide were killed or injured. The holiday "dedicated to the cause of world peace" would become official in 1938. Unfortunately, the peace efforts only lasted about three years as the United States entered World War II in 1941.

World War II and the ensuing Korean War led many to believe world peace was not attainable, making Armistice Day obsolete. A Kansas cobbler, Alvin J. King, whose nephew died in WWII, led a movement honoring soldiers who fought in all American conflicts. Edward Rees, a congressman from the Sunflower State, pushed the idea to Congress. In 1954, Veteran's Day officially replaced Armistice Day.

Today, America is embroiled in an intellectual cold war. No bombs, bullets, or missiles. It is a war of propaganda. A war of the mind. The nation's 331 million people are split into a voluminous amount of factions. There's BLM, Proud Boys, LGBTQ, BIPOC, whites, Democrats, Republicans, the Progressives, Faith and Flag Conservatives, MGTOW, feminists, vaccinated, unvaccinated, and so on. Tribalism has made America as vulnerable as it has been since World War I.

As black Americans, we are as divided and possibly as vulnerable as we have ever been. There are battling factions of black men, black women, black liberals, black conservatives, black LGBTQ members, East Coast, West Coast, Southern, and Midwest blacks; simps, pimps, Crips, Bloods, Gangster Disciples, vaccinated, unvaccinated, etc. The difference is there are not 331 million black people in America. There are roughly 45 million, or 13.4% of the population.

Simply put, there are not enough black folks around for us to be as divided as we are.

Many blacks routinely dig into the past, dusting off old factoids about slavery. So let's take a history lesson from the Native Americans.  

In the 1700s, Native Indian tribes ruled the land we currently call America. The predominant tribe was the Sioux, with multiple sub-factions existing under the Sioux umbrella. Dakota, Lakota, Anishnabe, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Omaha were a few of the tribes. There was relative peace until the more prominent tribes started migrating to different areas. The Lakota, who lived in what is now modern-day Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and the Dakotas, started traveling south and west. They infringed upon the Omaha territory, which consisted of the region we know as Nebraska and Missouri. Other territorial conquests followed. The tribal infighting was exacerbated when European settlers came in to claim land. Treaties between the warring Indian tribes and the Europeans were struck under the disguise of keeping the peace. However, the more treaties the European settlers helped negotiate, the more land they eventually acquired.

By the time the native tribes realized the manipulation that was being done, it was too late. The 1800s saw hundreds of treaties signed and more settlers moving in. President Lincoln signed into law the Homestead Act of 1862, which gave settlers up to 160 acres of land as long as they lived on it, kept the land in good condition, and paid a registration fee.

Fractures within the Native Indian community aided in the European takeover of their land.

In 2021, a lack of cohesion within the black community continues to be our demise. 

Black culture gatekeepers appointed by the white liberal elite convince the black working class that racism holds them back. Don Lemon shouts about white supremacy every week on his CNN program, but never mentions the white man running supreme in his bed sheets every night. Millionaire and billionaire blacks sit on television and tell their community how oppressive America is. Any black person who dares to deviate from the narrative is labeled a "sellout," or, as in Larry Elder's case, the "black face of white supremacy." Joy Reid from MSNBC tears down newly-elected Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears because her white liberal bosses told her to. If she doesn't, the network will surely use her transphobic tweets as leverage against her.

The sellouts are the blacks who get on national television and shuck and jive for their white puppet masters. They are sellouts because they sell out their own people for a seat at the kiddie table inside the slave master's house. Oprah Winfrey is worth $3.5 billion but is still peddling the made-for-TV "white privilege" narrative. White privilege didn't hold her back, but it's holding you back. 

Mark Zuckerburg, Jack Dorsey, Jeff Bezos (owner of The Washington Post), Robert Iger (CEO of Disney, which owns ESPN and ABC), and other liberal elites propagate news content convincing black people that the police are their enemy. Liberal pawn and China propaganda prostitute LeBron James cries about being afraid of the police. He has been living in gated communities since he was 18. Inner-city blacks are more likely to be killed by another black person than by the police. Diabetes is more likely to kill a black person than a police officer.

While blacks are being fed lie after lie, black people continue to tear each other apart. Crime is skyrocketing in major black cities across the nation. Meanwhile, the white liberal elites line their pockets with blood money. Black blood money. 

It is scary sometimes how history repeats itself. Just like the Native Indians in the 1700s fought each other and the European settlers took advantage, blacks today fight each other over trivial matters while white liberal oligarchs take advantage.

Black America should call an armistice with one another, a truce to end the black-on-black chaos and focus our attention on the real enemy.

The white ruling-class elites.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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