Rittenhouse's NOT GUILTY Verdict Saved Millions of Black Lives, But Many Do Not Realize It

The entire Kyle Rittenhouse saga was a complete shit show.

News outlets claimed a teenage white supremacist committed first-degree murder against three black BLM supporters during a peaceful protest highlighting police malpractice. It was all a lie.

Kyle Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz were not innocent protesters. Jacob Blake was not a victim of police brutality. Rosenbaum had a criminal record that included bail jumping, battery, disorderly conduct, and child molestation. Huber was a repeat domestic abuser. Grosskreutz's record includes domestic abuse, criminal damage to property, dwelling on police property, and disorderly conduct. Jacob Blake, who fought and struggled with police, was once charged with third-degree sexual assault, trespassing, disorderly conduct, and domestic abuse.

The Rittenhouse incident should have never gone to trial in the first place, let alone having America on the edge of its seat to hear the verdict. Rittenhouse acted out of self-defense. Period. Yet, the media continues to spew lies about the case post-verdict. For example, UK news outlet The Independent is still claiming he shot three black men.

Nevertheless, Rittenhouse's "not guilty" verdict is a massive win for ALL Americans. Our 2nd Amendment rights are still intact. We are still lawfully able to defend ourselves if an immediate threat to our lives is presented. Self-defense is of the utmost importance as violent crime continues to spike, with 2021 expected to witness the highest gun violence rates in decades. Many of the metropolises with defunded police units, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Raleigh, saw significant spikes in crime.

This is why it is incredibly counterproductive for black Americans to decry the verdict because of white privilege or whatever other nonsensical argument created by our talented tenth of race hustlers. 2nd Amendment rights and the right of self-defense benefit black people. We predominantly live in higher crime, densely-populated areas. I was born and raised in Chicago, where incidents similar to Kyle Rittenhouse would happen on a weekly basis. A person is attacked and they kill or seriously injure their assailant in self-defense. Throughout history, blacks have been on the winning side of various self-defense cases.

In the early 1900s, a large influx of citizens found their way to Detroit. The city's population went from 250,000 in 1910 to over 1 million by 1925. The black populace grew exponentially, increasing from 6,000 to over 80,000 in the same timespan. The explosion of new residents stressed the city's real estate market. There were not enough homes being built to satisfy the demand. Many newly-arrived blacks were relegated to smaller areas of Detroit, namely Paradise Valley and Black Bottom, because of redlining practices.

After studying abroad in Europe, Dr. Ossian Sweet, who recently returned to the country, decided to plant roots in Detroit. With a wife and newborn in tow, he purchased a home east of Black Bottom. On September 8, 1925, the Sweets moved into their new home. The neighboring whites angrily crowded around the house to intimidate the family. Some conservative estimates put the crowd around 400-500 people. Others say the crowd was closer to 1,500. Ossian invited several family members and friends into the house, with guns locked and loaded for protection. Rocks were thrown at the house, shattering two windows. Subsequently, the residents opened fire on the crowd, striking a few and killing Leon Breiner. All eleven patrons in the house were arrested and put on trial for murder. The NAACP assisted in the Sweets defense and ultimately got the family acquitted of any charges.

The Sweet family's attorney Clarence Darrow laid out the closing argument succinctly to an all-white jury: "It is silly to talk about. He bought that home just as you buy yours, because he wants a home to live in, to take his wife in to raise his family. There's no difference between the love of a black man for his offspring and the love of a white. He and his wife have the same feeling of fatherly and motherly affection for their child that you gentlemen have for yours, and that your father and mother had for you. They bought that home for that purpose; not to kill somebody... They went there to live. They knew the dangers. Why do you suppose they took these guns and this ammunition and these men there? Because they wanted to kill somebody? It is utterly absurd and crazy. They took them there because they thought it might be necessary to defend their home with their lives and they were determined to do it. They took guns there that in case of need they might fight, fight even to [the] death for their home, for each other, for their people, for their race, for their rights under the Constitution and the laws under which all of us live; and unless men and women will do that, we will soon be a race of slaves, whether we're black or white."

I understand there are considerable differences in the cases of Ossian Sweet and Kyle Rittenhouse. However, the more significant point remains clear: self-defense and the right to bear arms directly benefit ALL people, especially blacks.

Unfortunately, blacks will not allow the laws to work for us. When we add adjectives to the word "justice," it dilutes the concept. Racial justice is not justice. It is a euphemism for wanting black people to get away clean with heinous crimes.

Blacks have a long history of celebrating crime and death. We celebrated when O.J. Simpson was found not guilty, despite doing everything but leaving an autographed football at the crime scene. Rappers who name themselves after career criminals are celebrated. Rick Ross was named after convicted drug trafficker "Freeway" Ricky Ross. Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson named himself after Kelvin "50 Cent" Martin, a diminutive Bronx-area stick-up artist. Some Hip-Hop apologists defend Travis Scott's demonic Astroworld concert that killed 11 people.

Liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams, born in Panama, the mother born in Panama, and the father born in the West Indies, earns a pretty lovely income fanning the flames of racism around. He says if Kyle Rittenhouse "had been a black teenager...the laws might have treated him a little differently." Perhaps they would have because blacks do not respect the law. We already know that black men commit nearly half of the nation's homicides. Increasingly, it is blacks who are looting, rampaging through the streets, not complying with law enforcement, and undermining authority at every turn.

If Rittenhouse was black, he probably would have been raised in a culture that has little respect for authority figures. Rittenhouse, a trained paramedic, and a police and firefighter cadet, might not have had such training if he were black. Furthermore, if he did, he would have been teased and mocked throughout his childhood. It is the inane chastising many intelligent and well-rounded black kids endure.

"For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. It's a dirty, dark secret in the black community," Charles Barkley said during a radio interview in 2019. "There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don't have success. It's best to knock a successful black person down because they're intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they're successful. It's just typical BS that goes on when you're black, man." 

Unintelligent blacks who cannot see the forest for the trees, and race-hustling negroes who need to continue the narrative of white supremacy for financial gain, will not acknowledge how great the Rittenhouse verdict was.

Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.


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