Men Must Conquer Their Gynophobia In The Battle Against Radical Feminism

Radicalized ideology has flipped everything upside-down. A man can identify as a woman; a man can be pregnant; a white teen shooting three white guys is an example of white supremacy; inflation is supposedly good for us; deaths from influenza vanished into the ether. Radical feminism is leading the charge in this extreme upheaval of traditional norms. Their rhetoric implicitly and explicitly tears down men, keeping them sheepish, emasculated, and neutered like pet dogs.

One example of this is the recent etiolating of 50 Cent.

In Hip-Hop, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson has always been one of the more dynamic personalities around. He backed down to no one. Whether it was Ja Rule and his Murder Inc crew, Jadakiss and The Lox, Fat Joe, The Game, Rick Ross, or even his record label, Interscope, Fifty let his voice be heard if you dared to cross him. His style of masculinity was effective but not perfect. Opponents used his ego against him, dragging him into conflicts he would have benefited from not participating in. His violent, braggadocios style turned audiences away later in his career. In a unique way, Fifty was an example of what properly-channeled masculinity looks like: it is powerful, attractive, is the cornerstone of success, but it is complex, not always saccharine, and can be counter-productive. Despite its pitfalls, constructive masculinity is the backbone of any prosperous society or group of people.

Is an unabashedly-masculine 50 Cent a relic of the past?

Fif has cowered to tepid criticism from a couple of high-profile women recently. Last year, he expressed his support for President Trump, claiming he did not want to be "20 Cent" because of Democrat nominee Joe Biden's proposed tax hikes on wealthier individuals. However, his ex-girlfriend, Hollywood liberal and comedian Chelsea Handler, did not take kindly to his support of Trump. She guilt-tripped him on Twitter and appeared on The Jimmy Fallon Show, dragging his name through the mud. Fifty finally caved, tweeting, "F–k Donald Trump, I never liked him. For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed but that's history." Handler later tweeted it was "#mycivicduty" to change his mind.

Recently, 50 Cent found himself in the crosshairs of Madonna. He chastised the 63-year-old pop icon for some provocative photos, posing on and under a bed in lingerie:

"yo this is the funniest sh*t! LOL. That's Madonna under the bed trying to do like a virgin at 63. she shot out, if she don't get her old a*s up. LMFAO."

Madonna fired back at Fif. She posted a photo of her and Jackson hugging from 2003 with the caption, 

"Here is 50 Cent pretending to be my friend. Now you have decided to talk smack about me! I guess your new career is getting attention by trying to humiliate others on social media. The least elevated choice you could make as an artist and an adult. You are just jealous you won't look as good as me or have as much fun when you are my age."

In previous years, 50 would have had some fun and milked a feud with Madonna for all it was worth. But, instead, he cowered just like he did with Handler.

"I must have hurt Madonna feelings, she went and dug up a old MTV photo from 03. ok Im sorry i did not intend to hurt your feelings. I don't benefit from this in anyway i said what i thought when i saw the picture because of where i had seen it before i hope you accept my apology."

I am not against apologizing when it is necessary. However, many times an apology is not needed. Madonna is a public figure who released photos of herself on a public platform. Anything posted on a public forum is open to praise and scrutiny. 50 did not need to apologize here. He was well within his right to poke fun at her. Madonna's rebuttal probably made Fif squirmish because of her stature and last year's dust-up with Handler. He was afraid of the backlash from feminists.

Gynophobia is described as the abnormal fear of women. Many men today seem to show some symptoms. 

Democrats get overwhelming support from women. According to a Rutgers University study, 55% of all US women voted for Biden in 2020. Moreover, black women's support for Democrats is more pronounced, with 90% pulling the lever for Dems. Support for the blue party is high amongst black males but not as acute as it is for women. Reports suggest 12% to 20% of black men voted in favor of Trump. 

Many black men in relationships with black women hold their tongues regarding politics. In hindsight, I have in past relationships. Sometimes we will sacrifice our happiness and peace to keep the relationship intact, to keep the kids in a two-parent household, or to keep access to that "flower." 

This fear of upsetting women stems from childhood. Over 70% of blacks are born into single-mother households. The woman is the mother, the father, the teacher, the pastor, the therapist, the chef, the coach, the police officer, and the god of the household. Some men are being raised to worship a woman. Any and everything they do must coincide with the approval from a woman. As a result, we have become hesitant, sometimes afraid, to even slightly offend women. 

This power has been seized by women and feminists, and they wield it in various ways.

Brittany Cooper, a professor at Rutgers University, spews her anti-men teachings in academia under the disguise of "gender studies." Cooper is beloved in the feminist community. She has been one of the soldiers on the frontlines in the war on abortion rights. The "pro-choice" vs. "pro-life" debate has become a battle of the sexes. According to Gallup, most men (51%) are pro-life, while most women (53%) are pro-choice. When women become convinced they have a complete say in the life or death of an unborn child, they implicitly give men the proverbial middle finger. The abortion issue deserves just as much input from men as from women. Feminism is deteriorating the fabric of the nuclear family.

Singer and Detroit native Lizzo promotes feminism through music. Her body positivity movement tells women it is acceptable to be overweight because it encourages self-love and goes against traditional patriarchal beauty standards. This is an example of Aleister Crowley's satanic Do What Thou Wilt mantra.

Crowley was an English poet, ceremonial magician, and occultist. He was a student of the Law of Thelema, which teaches its students about following "their" true path and ignoring the word of the Bible. Do What Thou Wilt promotes a culture of pursuing pleasures without regard to Judeo-Christian disciplines. Lizzo's lifestyle of gluttony promotes Do What Thou Wilt to her millions of feminist followers.

For far too long, men have sat idly by, allowing misguided women to lead society down the wrong path. Men need to course-correct and not fear rejection, ridicule, or shame from women.

We must start thinking more with our brains than our penises. Caving into the woman's frame of mind for fear of not getting laid is a defeatist mindset. There are roughly 97 men for every 100 women. Opportunities to attract the opposite sex will always present themselves. Perpetrating your beliefs one time for some "love" means you will do it again when those natural urges come.

Men must also be firm in their moral and mental framework. I have had to learn this the hard way throughout my life. Having the more dominant social edifice is a winning strategy in almost any human interaction, but this is especially true with women. Females are naturally submissive and are willing to be led if given an incentive.

Willingness to debate women on any topic will go a long way in developing a strong social frame with women. For example, I recently discussed a woman who is neck-deep in feminist ideology. She was quick to rattle off the litany of statistics about women earning more money, having more academic achievements, and having higher employment. This is because society bends over backward to accommodate females. Moreover, how many programs and initiatives offer economic and monetary opportunities for young boys? Most are directed at uplifting young girls.

A civilized battle between the sexes is healthy in today's popularized society. Unmitigated masculinity is as flawed as extreme feminism is. However, a country when one sex has extreme superiority over the other is both corrosive and unsustainable. Right now, feminism has saturated the culture. Yet, men and women both play meaningful roles in raising families, constructing communities, building businesses, and leading our country out of these uncertain times. Our nation's future depends on men getting over their fear of women. 

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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