Will Affirmation Continue To Turn American Society Upside-Down In 2022?

New York City is the number one media market in the country. Countless television, radio, and news networks call NYC home. As a result, New York's liberal views are being pushed onto America like 1920s German propaganda. Over time, other cities and states yearn to emulate New York. NYC issues a vaccine passport mandate for all indoor venues. Los Angeles and Chicago quickly follow. All the while, citizens blissfully ignore the fact the city is rotting from the inside out.

New York City's ridiculous (and dangerous) ideals will soon be represented in its skyline.

An architectural firm, Adjaye Associates, is in talks with the Empire State Development Corporation to build a 1,663-foot tall skyscraper in Manhattan called Affirmation Tower. Instead of the traditional design where the base of the building is widest and slims upward, Affirmation Tower will be slimmest at the bottom and widen at the top.

The unorthodox design has been used in other countries such as Malaysia. However, this design is being critiqued by members of the architectural community. In an article titled "Are We Building Skyscrapers Upside Down?" Shaunacy Ferro writes, "The design works because it's taller than its surroundings, but it's easy to see how this might backfire. It's structured like an umbrella shading the ground below. In tropical Malaysia, this is a positive attribute: the larger sections of the tower shade the rest of the skyscraper. That provides passive cooling and protection from the glare of the sun, reducing the need for extra glazing or interior shades. However, it's probably not the answer for colder climates. A giant sun shade would do little good in a snowy region, nor would it work for super-dense, tall cities where wide skyscraper tops would put the streetscape in eternal shadow."

An upside-down building called Affirmation Tower in New York City? How symbolic is that?

Seeking information has gone the way of the Nintendo 64. Instead, people seek new information only to affirm what they already believe.


As corporate media continues to peddle fear porn over the latest strain of Coronavirus, there is evidence suggesting the threat of Omicron has been exaggerated. Headlines everywhere talk about the "surging cases" of Omicron. Some states, such as the nation-leading 77% fully-vaccinated state of Vermont, are on the verge of shutting down again because of COVID cases. In the Philippines' capital city of Manila, the government is forcing unvaccinated people to remain home or face possible fines and jail time. This is for COVID cases, not deaths. The overwhelming majority of people who contract COVID will survive.

These new lockdown measures over rising COVID cases are despite evidence that case numbers should no longer be a "major metric" in evaluating the pandemic.

On ABC's Sunday program "This Week," Ashish K. Jha, dean of Brown University and a former Harvard health expert, said, "For two years, infections always preceded hospitalizations which preceded deaths, so you could look at infections and know what was coming. Omicron changes that. This is the shift we've been waiting for in many ways." 

Jha continued to say institutions should continue to track COVID cases, but "we really need to focus on hospitalizations and deaths now."

The hypnosis of affirmation does not allow people to have the clarity of mind to question what is being fed to them.

In a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Dr. Robert Malone, one of the architects behind the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 vaccines, spoke about mass formation hypnosis. (Formation? Reminds me of a Beyoncé song, but that's neither here nor there.) According to studies, the distribution of mass formation hypnosis is about 30-40-30. 30% are thoroughly indoctrinated and will wholly believe everything coming through their idiot boxes. 40% are in the middle and can be persuaded to whichever side makes the most compelling argument. The remaining 30% goes against the dominant narrative.

Affirmation is the gasoline that continues to feed the fire of indoctrination. 

Today's liberal COVID cult members do not want to hear any good news about Coronavirus. Amid the Omicron outbreak, COVID deaths are on the decline. Most of America is fully vaccinated. The largest age group of unvaccinated people is under 18 years old, who are not dying from COVID. Furthermore, roughly 92% of the COVID deaths are from people ages 50 and up. Most states have fully vaccinated rates well over 50%. This is not good enough. They want their doomsday COVID beliefs affirmed. They want to believe that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated when the evidence tells us that is not the case.

Affirmation affects conservatives, as well. Some conservatives fall into the trap of automatically opposing everything liberals advocate. Many Trump supporters were infuriated when DJT advocated for the vaccines. Trump should be in favor of the vaccines. He is in his mid-70s and not in the best of health. Allegedly, he still eats McDonald's on a daily basis. He is in the high-risk COVID group.

Also, conservatives fail to realize the strategy behind Trump's vaccine support. According to some exit polls, Democrats and Independents felt Trump did not do enough to combat Coronavirus. Their claims are not justified, but, unfortunately, Trump must fight this narrative if he plans to retake the White House in 2024. The best way to do so is to show vaccine support. It is the same message Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, and other high-profile Republicans have given. 

Those in the unindoctrinated 30% must avoid the pitfalls of affirmation over information. Tribalism from either side will only make the stick of dynamite blow up quicker. 40% of Republicans, 41% of Independents, and 23% of Democrats support political violence. We must be intelligent enough to discuss matters with facts and nuance. It is something the other 70% do not.

This intellectual civil war America is engaged in will not be won by force. Instead, it will be won with persuasion.  

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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