Politics Vincent Williams Politics Vincent Williams

King vs. Kingmaker

Donald Trump laid out the Republican playbook for the next few years during yesterday's CPAC appearance. In a surgically precise hour and a half speech, the 45th President expounded on all of the necessary talking points, rekindling support from citizens and giving marching orders to his political allies.

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Politics Vincent Williams Politics Vincent Williams

The Relentless Underdog

Americans are suckers for a good underdog story. The story of Rocky Balboa is as American as guns, baseball and apple pie. Eli Manning's New York Giants teams live in NFL lore for defeating the evil empire New England Patriots twice. LeBron James was very much an underdog in the 2016 NBA Finals as his Cavaliers team took down the dynastic Golden State Warriors.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Why Independent Media Pundits Should Be Allowed To Moderate Presidential Debates

Expectation feeds frustration. If you watched last night’s presidential debate hoping for a civilized back-and-forth on the issues that matter to you, or to be completely swayed into changing your vote, or even hoping for a fair fight, then you deserve all of the negative emotions you are feeling today. Many people knew going in it would be a feces fest, and a feces fest it was.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Trump Is Plump and Americans Are Hypocrites

The Twitter world is amusing itself as #PresidentPlump and #PlumpTrump is trending, but the nation’s obesity rate hovers over 42%. Furthermore, 18% of Americans are considered “severely obese”.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Trump v California

Protesting a protest? That is exactly what happened when Vice President Mike Pence left Sunday’s 49ers/Colts game before it even started. Under the instruction of President Trump, Pence would leave the game if any NFL players took a knee during the National Anthem.

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