Tradcon Trump In, Manosphere Men Out

As Donald Trump reenters The White House for his second term, many factions will fall from power and influence. One of them will be the manosphere. The return of Donald Trump means the rise of tradcons and the inevitable fall of the manosphere.

Tradcons, shorthand for traditional conservatives, are men who emphasize traditional norms like religion, family values, hierarchy, nationalism, gender roles, and opposition to modern liberal social beliefs. They champion marriage, sexual restraint, and the responsibility of building and maintaining families.

Donald Trump is a tradcon. Not the most textbook tradcon around, but a tradcon, nonetheless.

The manosphere is an online community of content creators and influencers who reject a feminine world order, a society controlled by and indebted to women. The movement began in earnest in the 1970s as the Men's Rights Movement gained traction, which ran counter to the feminist movements at the time. Its modern form took root in the 1990s alongside the advent of the internet and online forums.

While tradcons and the manosphere appear aligned at first glance—both oppose feminism—they are fundamentally at odds. Tradcons emphasize commitment and responsibility, while the manosphere glorifies material wealth and sexual conquests. Think of it as Job versus James Bond.

Most of the popular manosphere influencers advocate for being a bachelor, passport bro, or a free agent: all various forms of staying single. This is where the manosphere failed men. Telling men to avoid commitment and focus on chasing money and sexual pleasure is a foolhardy liberal message. It's the same liberal messaging feminist leaders taught their constituents. Manosphere icon George Miller, better known by his pen name Rollo Tomassi, who authored the book The Rational Male, portrays married men as simps and encourages men to never marry. This is no different from renowned feminist Nancy Hartsock, author of Money Sex and Power, comparing men to ATM machines. Both are different sides of the same selfish, hyper-individual coin. Whether heads or tails, you end up with the same result: a dying and dysfunctional population.

Enter Donald Trump. He has the veneer of a manosphere bro. Extremely wealthy. Keeps some untraditional people in his orbit, namely Elon Musk. Probably lived a bachelor lifestyle at one point. But his instincts are traditional, and he has become more "trad" as he's aged. You can see it in the policy positions he takes. By appointing the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v Wade, Trump is one of the most pro-family Presidents in recent memory. You can hear it in his rhetoric. His Inauguration speech was laced with references to God.

"In a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin's bullet ripped through my ear, but I felt then and believe, even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again."

"National unity is now returning to America, and confidence and pride is soaring like never before. In everything we do, my administration will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence and unrelenting success. We will not forget our country. We will not forget our Constitution, and we will not forget our God. Can't do that."

The rise of Donald Trump as a political figure has correlated with the return of a renewed biblical spirit, an élan that puts Jesus Christ and His word front and center. Do I believe Trump has the most authentic relationship with God? Probably not, but that's not my call to make. I do believe the relentless attacks he and his family have endured over the last decade and the bullet that should have killed him have forced him to reconsider his faith.

Donald Trump is a tradcon. Not the most textbook tradcon around, but a tradcon, nonetheless.

Manosphere critics of traditional conservatism question its relevancy in modern society. I hear you. Modernity entices women to view marriage as a side hustle. But a prosperous nation built on hyper-individualism is a left-wing fantasy. When men and women reject commitment and fail to create stable homes for their kids, chaos follows. Prisons overflow with men from single-parent homes. When parents are out chasing "the bag" instead of raising their children, degenerate rappers and self-serving influencers step in to do the job.

I do not believe in coincidences. Everything happens for divine reasons. So, I do not think it was a mere coincidence that on the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration, one of the most popular manosphere voices released a video detailing the demise of the movement.

YouTuber Coach Greg Adams published a video titled How The Manosphere Destroyed ITSELF. The two-and-a-half-hour video was a finger-pointing fest on which faction of the manosphere is most to blame for the movement's collapse: the incels (involuntary celibates), the MRAs (men's rights activists), the MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way), the Red Pill men, and the PUAs (pick-up artists).

It sounds like left-on-left violence to me. The manosphere infighting mirrors the disunity of the leftist voter blocs as they blame one another for Kamala's loss in the 2024 Presidential Election. You've heard the phrase, "The Left always eats its own." Well, the manosphere always eats its own.

Make America Great Again is about a return to traditional, biblical standards that almost everybody acknowledged generations ago. In fact, the church was the original manosphere. The man sought God, and the woman pursued the man seeking God.

Instead of men going their own way, men are starting to go God's way. That's the real red pill.

Let's Make America Trad Again.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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