Chicago Is The Perfect City to Host The Democrat National Convention

As a lifelong resident of the Chicago area, I know that many Chicagoans can be stubborn as a mule. Better yet, stubborn as a donkey. Just look at the fandom of the city's most popular sports teams—the Bears and the Cubs.

The Bears have been a losing franchise since winning Super Bowl XX at the end of the 1985 season, with a record of 297-313 and one Super Bowl appearance since. Despite bad ownership and an ugly-ass stadium, the team has some of the most die-hard fans in American sports.

Ditto for the Chicago Cubs. Once dubbed the Lovable Losers, they had the longest streak in Major League Baseball of seasons without a championship, from 1908 to 2016. Yet, their fans still packed the ballpark, consistently putting Wrigley Field in the top ten in attendance. Even in 2006, when the team finished with the third-worst record in baseball at 66-96, they ranked fifth in the majors in attendance.

Why does this matter?

If Chicagoans can be this stubbornly supportive of underachieving sports teams, what else are they bullishly endorsing?

The Democrat National Convention commenced on Monday night in The Windy City. The first night was a very feminine affair: much of the music playing over the loudspeakers was from female artists, most of the crowd shots focused on women, most of the speakers were women. New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave the best speech of the evening—which says a lot about the quality of the speeches.

Hillary Clinton received the biggest applause when she walked on stage to deliver her remarks. She lost to Barack Obama in the Democrat primary in 2008, she lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election, and she lost her dignity by continuing to complain about her 2016 loss.

Chicago loves losers.

William Thompson was the last Republican to become Chicago Mayor. He left office in 1931. Chicago has been under Democrat rule ever since.

With each passing Democrat Mayor, the city has become more violent, dirty, corrupt, and economically depressed. Once a beautiful and prosperous metropolis, Chicago now has a surplus of abandoned storefronts, decrepit buildings, deteriorated streets, and a lead water crisis no one seems to be talking about. It's in the midst of a losing streak.

How do you snap a losing streak? Ask ten people, get ten answers. But most problems boil down to culture. The right mindset can turn around even the toughest situation. It's why head coaches talk so much about culture. When sports teams are on long losing streaks, the coach makes a dramatic change in the locker room to adjust the culture and mindset of the players. Yet, for all the talk, bluster, and belly-aching, what do Chicago residents do? The same thing they've been doing for decades. Vote Democrat. "Vote blue, no matter who." Same old habits, same old results. Everyone knows you can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome, but here we are.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme. The Democrat Party has not changed much over the years. It is still a party led by elites who pretend to care about the working class. Before, it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt; today, it's Kamala Harris. It's still the party of racial division and domestic terrorism. Before, it was the KKK; today, it's BLM. And it's still the party that uses immigration as an electoral strategy. Before, it was the Hart-Celler Act; today, it's wide open borders.

Chicago has become the poster child of the Democrat platform. Every major Democrat party stance and policy is being implemented in Chicago. Look at the results. It is a safe haven for women who want to kill their babies, with the DNC offering free abortions during the convention. Illinois is in a population plunge. Chicago was the hub of the Defund the Police movement. Today, CPD has major recruitment issues while a person is murdered every fourteen hours. It is very divided along racial lines, rife with constant demonstrations where protesters are terrorizing local communities. Illegal aliens have swamped hospitals, police stations, subways, and food banks.

The city's political leaders are as corrupt as Hillary Clinton or as incompetent as AOC: Jane Byrne, Chicago's first female Mayor—corrupt; Lori Lightfoot, Chicago's second female Mayor—incompetent; the Daleys—corrupt; Brandon Johnson—woefully incompetent.

Despite the Dems' continued destruction of Chicago, voters are thoroughly convinced the next Democrat Mayor will turn the city around.

Understand this: I am not saying Chicago should blindly vote red. Lord knows the Republicans have their issues. But at least they show some, if not significant, acknowledgment of the Lord our God and his word. Red states are not illegal alien or abortion sanctuaries. Republicans believe in borders and safe neighborhoods. Republicans, by and large, have coherent economic policies. Even Chicagoans know this. It's why some Chicago-area residents drive to Indiana to shop and get gas. Heck, the Obamas ditched Illinois for Martha's Vineyard.

Proverbs 28:14 describes the current state of Chicago. "Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity." There are some rock-hard hearts in Chicago. Only the most stubborn will continue supporting the mayhem and destitution they complain about. Only hard hearts repeat the same actions while expecting different results.

The DNC couldn't have picked a better city to host the convention.



Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.

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