Conservative Media and Its Hypocritical Silence on Israel

To understand what is happening in conservative media, we must revisit Ancient Greek history.

Dionysus (also referred to as Bacchus) is the Greek God associated with pleasure, wine, festivity, and theatre. As the son of deities Zeus and Semele, Dionysus possessed the power to incite ecstasy through wine, which many of his cult followers believed could bring joy and ease suffering.

The Cult of Dionysus consisted of many Jews. According to Plutarch, an ancient Greek biographer, Greek and Roman Jews participated in Bacchanalian festivals. Plutarch writes, referring to the Jews who brought fruit and other mementos into the Temple, "One does not know what they do in the Temple. It seems reasonable to suppose that they practice rites in honor of Bacchus. For they blow small horns as the people of Argos do during the Festival of Dionysus, and call upon their God."

Dionysus' influence played a significant role in the creation of unique religious festivals characterized by drinking and ritualistic sex. Chief among these were the City Dionysia and Rural Dionysia, both held in Athens. These festivals featured theatrical plays with actors in elaborate costumes and masks, akin to modern-day Mardi Gras. The Greek word hypokrisis, meaning "acting on the stage," originated from these performances and is the root of the modern term "hypocrite."

Television, social media, and alternative media have become a stage where actors around the world put on figurative costumes and masks, jesting for personal gain. Hypocrites have taken over the media—all of it. We know the liberal media is full of them. The list is far too long to recite here, but I'll highlight The View's Sunny Hostin. The black, Puerto Rican, and Jewish talk show host believes she is owed reparations because of the atrocities brought forth by American slavery, even though she is a descendant of white Spaniards who owned black slaves.

Increasingly, however, conservative media is becoming as hypocritical as its liberal counterpart.

Last week, podcaster Candace Owens dropkicked a hornet's nest when she went to X (former Twitter) to discuss Jews, Zionism, Frankism, Israel, and some other "forbidden" topics. One part in particular caught my attention:

She mentions how Israel has become a safe haven for Jewish pedophiles.

Really? I've never heard that before.

I came across a 2020 report from CBS News. Jews can take advantage of a process called the Law of Return, where any Jew can flee to Israel and gain automatic citizenship unless they are deemed a danger to Israeli society and/or Jewish people. However, Israeli law does not define what exactly "danger to Israeli society" means. Historically, tax evaders and drug smugglers have exploited this law to escape prosecution in other countries. Recently, accused and convicted pedophiles have also taken advantage of it.

In Israel, the sex offender registry is private, unlike in the US, where it is public. This means that individuals with a history of sexual offenses can move to Israel without the local community being informed, and they may avoid extradition back to their home countries.

"Those who leave the US and come to Israel know all this," said an unnamed Orthodox Israeli. "They know Israel isn't quick to extradite Jews. They can exploit the system."

In 2008, Malka Leifer, the headmistress of an ultra-Orthodox girls' school in Melbourne, Australia, fled to Israel after allegations of sexually abusing several of her female students surfaced. She faces seventy-four counts of suspected sexual abuse, including indecent assault of a minor and rape.

After a years-long court battle, Leifer was finally extradited back to Australia, but it wasn't easy. Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman was suspected of pressuring a Jerusalem district psychiatrist to provide a false assessment stating that Leifer was mentally unfit, which would have prevented her extradition under Israeli law.

Justice was eventually served to Leifer, but tens of thousands of other Jewish pedophiles live free in Israel.

Just as Ukraine has become the foreign policy sacred cow on the Left, Israel is the Right's version. Israel is supposedly America's greatest ally, to whom we give over $3 billion in aid annually. A nation we gave $20 billion earlier this year as American citizens struggle financially. A nation whose enemies have become our enemies. America's "greatest" ally is harboring a network of pedos?

As a consumer of several conservative media pundits, I thought they would have been all over this. Many of them drive traffic to their YouTube channels and social media accounts by pointing the finger at all the weird sex stuff the Left does.

Take Candace's former colleagues: Michael Knowles and Matt Walsh. Knowles has dedicated many segments of his Daily Wire program, "The Michael Knowles Show," to talking about weird and pedophilic practices on the Left. Parts of his commentary have to be edited out so it can air on YouTube.

Matt Walsh voiced his disdain for the Left's weird sex fetishes to his state's legislature. In 2023, he testified in front of the Tennessee State House Health Committee to support HB1, which bans minors from accessing puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and other "gender-affirming" drugs.

Their work is definitely applaudable. They have put in far more work than I have in that regard. But both have remained silent on the issue of pedophiles finding refuge in Israel. Why? They regularly discuss the politics and culture of other countries. They understand pedophilia is a political issue. Knowles has especially been critical of Kamala Harris's running mate, "Tampon" Tim Walz, who passed legislation in Minnesota to put tampons in male restrooms in the name of inclusion for "trans" males. Are they afraid to criticize Israel or worried about offending figures like Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan? Are they concerned about agitating The Daily Wire's executives or financiers? Or do they value money over truth?

Is Jason Whitlock, Blaze Media personality and someone who I've admired and followed for over fifteen years, afraid of pushback from Jews and Israel sympathizers? No, he's not. Whitlock is as fearless as it gets, but I find it strange he has yet to touch this issue. Whitlock rails hard against what he calls the Alphabet Mafia: BLM, ADL, NAACP, and the LGBTQIA+ community.

In fact, he goes a step further. Last year, Whitlock addressed what he believes the plus sign in LGBTQ+ stands for:

"The LGBTQ+ Silent P movement controls popular culture, our schools, religious institutions, social media, the sports world, and politics.

The Silent P, which stands for both perversion and pedophilia, is the Alphabet Mafia's superpower. The Silent P powers the drag queen groomers at our elementary schools. The Silent P is the reason Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell can be jailed for running a child sex trafficking organization without being forced to publicly name their clients. The Silent P is why no one in the mainstream media is interested in the fact President Biden's daughter claims her dad showered with her when she was a child."

Jewish-American pedophiles allowed to flee persecution in Israel should be right up Jason's alley. Yet, Whitlock has remained silent thus far.

I am not saying Jason Whitlock is compromised or has some Jewish AIPAC spokesman in his ear like most of our congressmen. I am trying to draw attention to the fact Republicans, conservatives, and center-right media pundits seem, at best, reluctant or, at worst, scared to criticize Jewish wrongdoers or the state of Israel.

Israel shielding tens of thousands of pedophiles may not be the most pressing issue in America, especially as the Presidential election nears. However, Israeli and Jewish elites have enormous power in America. Israel is potentially the spark plug of a global conflict. If America and Israel are allies, you have to take the good and the bad that comes with it.

More importantly, you have to take your faith in the voting booth. I cannot vote for a political party that believes women have the right to kill babies and that children can consent to getting their genitals chopped off. But the Republicans seem to serve another country other than America and another group of people other than Americans. That's hypocrisy.

Consistency and hypocrisy don't mix. For all of Candace Owens' faults, she remains one of the more consistent pundits in the media. Her critique and skepticism of Israel and Jewish elites are at the same intensity she levied at Democrats, Black Lives Matter, and feminists. Conservatives don't like her new target. The longer conservative commentators remain silent on Israel's Law of Return loophole, the more credibility they will lose, the more scrutiny Jews will face, and the louder the anti-Israel sentiments will become.

This is what Trump meant with the phrase "fake news". This is why a growing number of people believe so much of the commentary on television and social media is phony and scripted. So many talking heads seem to be performing for Gods other than The One True God.

Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.

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