Conservatives, Do Not Make An Idol of Candace Owens
I worry about the growing idolization of Candace Owens. It might drive her to seek revenge rather than revelation.
Kansas City Fans Reject New Stadium Tax Increase: The Sports Bubble Is About to Bust
Working-class people are getting poorer. Most Americans do not have $500 in savings, nor can they cover an emergency $1000 expense, but you couldn't tell by the amount of money spent on sports every year.
Is the $71 billion North American sports industry a net positive for society?
Transgender Day of Visibility Proves The Politics Are Always On
Transgender Day of Visibility should be a lesson for all Christians or anyone who opposes the left's anti-religious nonsense that apathy is the enemy of God. The politics are always on.
American Culture's Childish Denial of Time
Popular culture and society at large encourage us to deny the reality of getting older. And there is a long list of music executives, corporations, politicians, and scientists to capitalize from a childish liberal culture.
Candace Owens v. The Daily Wire: A Political Realignment
The Daily Wire separating from Candace Owens is a microcosm of the old liberal regime's repudiation of the conservative populist movement. The pristine narrative of "classical" liberalism has been fractured, much like the Republican narrative was destroyed in the 19th century.
MGTOW and Feminism Lead to the Same Godless Place
MGTOW and feminism are the same thing. They will eventually lead to the same outcome, fewer families and fewer people. Both attempts to solve theological and spiritual problems through secular and material means.
Former Bernie Sanders Advisor Shows Why We Should Not Listen To Xperts
You cannot enjoy freedom without tolerating freedumb. As more people are allowed to reach the masses via X, there has been a rise in establishment-approved spokespeople, whom I'm calling Xperts.
Stephen A. Smith Has Been Exposed. But It Doesn't Matter
Jason Whitlock delivered what should have been a fatal blow to Stephen A. Smith's career. In a society that cherishes authenticity, Stephen A. would suffer the same backlash Tavis Smiley did when he stated that blacks fell further behind during the Obama Administration. Corporate media would shun him.
Let's Give Liberal Women Some Credit. Not All of Them Are Libtards
For all the things Liberalism gets wrong and how often liberals are wrong about a variety of issues, sometimes they get it right. Contrary to popular conservative memes, all liberal women are not overweight, purple-haired, nose-ring-wearing, screaming lunatic libtards.
Don't Interrupt Planned Parenthood When It Is Making A Mistake
French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who was an avid supporter of labor unions, once said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”