Transgender Day of Visibility Proves The Politics Are Always On

The political left often blames our nation's problems on Republicans and right-wingers. MSNBC's Joy Reid sounds stupid when she twists the facts of every story to make Republicans the villain. The right usually points the finger at Democrats and the leftists. FOX's Sean Hannity sounds like Joy Reid most nights. Both sides are wrong. Many of our nation's ills can be described with one word: apathy.

Apathy, a word that gained popularity in the 17th century, refers to a lack of interest or concern. Spiritual and political apathy has plagued America for decades. It explains how the Biden regime felt emboldened to taunt Christians on Easter.

President Biden's social media handlers took to X to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility.

"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we celebrate the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know.

Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong, and they should be treated with dignity and respect."

This post just taught me something new. I didn't know there was such a thing as a "transgender" or a "nonbinary" person. Nor did I know that it was brave to call yourself something that doesn't exist.

Christians and believers of God were in a frenzy for good reason. How dare this so-called Catholic make a mockery of the most important date on the Christian calendar? Let's turn back the calendar to answer this question.

Transgender Day of Visibility was established in 2009 under President Barack Obama. Obama, who claims his mother instilled his Christian faith, seems to take more after his father, who was an atheist. Show me a devout Christian who believes there is a such thing as a transgender, and I'll show you why the overweight five-foot-eight author of this article deserves to play in the NBA.

Where was the backlash for Barack establishing TDOV? Where was the backlash for Barack being the most pro-LGBT President in American history? Where was the backlash for the Obamas being one of the most racially divisive first families in American history? The apathy of Christians and believers in God set in. Many were afraid of being called a racist for opposing Obama, and many more were fearful of being labeled homophobic, hoping the LGBT craze would pass. Hoping it was just a phase young people went through. Today, drag queens are so commonplace that we don't think twice when a man dressed up as a woman jiggles sexually in front of kids.

Let's keep turning the calendar back.

Joe Biden's first bid for The White House was in 1987. His campaign ended abruptly after major plagiarism accusations rocked the then-Delaware Senator. He stole entire portions of a speech from United Kingdom's Member of Parliament Neil Kinnock. Upon further investigation, Biden ripped off material as a Syracuse University law student.

Plagiarism is the number one academic crime. A world leader, a college grad, or even an unknown blogger like myself plagiarizing material should be taken very seriously. Plagiarism used to be a jailable offense.

When he suspended his campaign, an enraged Biden had zero remorse for his plagiaristic crimes.

"And although it's awfully clear to me what choice I have to make, I have to tell you honestly I do it with incredible reluctance and it makes me angry. I'm angry with myself for having been put in the position - put myself in the position - of having to make this choice."

In other words, he's upset that he didn't cover it up better.

Biden continues, "And I am no less frustrated at the environment of presidential politics that makes it so difficult to let the American people measure the whole Joe Biden and not just misstatements that I have made."

Biden also took the opportunity to criticize soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Robert Bork, claiming he would be "harmful for this country."

Aside from his scandalous lying, he had two brain surgeries in 1988 that kept him from his Senate duties for seven months. Two brain surgeries in one year is a big deal.

1988 should have been the last year of Biden's political career. Instead, he was able to continue serving in the Senate, become Obama's VP in 2008, and later President in 2020. Political apathy had set in with the voting public. Sure, it was Democrat voters in Delaware who kept Biden in office. However, as we've seen with George Santos, voters of the opposition party can push their representatives to introduce measures to have a member removed for justifiable reasons. A blatant liar with brain trauma should have been enough to have Biden removed from the Senate.

Let's keep rewinding.

In 1963, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Abington School District v. Schempp to have mandatory Bible readings and prayer removed from public schools, deeming them unconstitutional under the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. There should have been national outrage because of this ruling. Not BLM-style outrage where protesters burned down cities. Or Black Panther-style outrage where police officers were whacked. However, Christians and believers should have done more to protest the decision. Instead, conservatives, like Republican Presidential frontrunner Barry Goldwater, ran on a platform centered around civil rights and expanded government. I can't entirely blame him, given those were the hot-button issues. Goldwater, whose father was Jewish and whose mother was Episcopalian, could have flipped some moderate Democrat voters if he had used the Abington School District v. Schempp decision to help fuel his campaign.

Political apathy and the fear of public smears kept Christians and conservative voters from making a ruckus about the Bible being removed from schools. The ripple effects of that apathy are still being felt today. Last year, a Utah school board tried to ban the Bible from its libraries because the Bible includes elements of "vulgarity or violence." (The ruling was overturned.) Leftists will continue to try to remove the Bible from society, domestically and abroad.

There are currently over one hundred forty days celebrating LGBT causes, including the entire months of June and October. Transgender Day of Visibility should be a lesson for all Christians or anyone who opposes the left's anti-religious nonsense that apathy is the enemy of God. The politics are always on.

Politics means "public square." Anything that is in the public eye is inherently political. Sports, music, clothing, and even time itself are political. Daylight Savings Time is the government trying to control time. Everything, even time itself, is worth fighting for. Proverbs 29:2 tells us that when the wicked rule, people will groan. People, and more specifically Christians, are groaning because the secular elite has turned America into a godless country. Over the last couple of centuries, believers have been led down an apathetic path.

No other group of people teaches political or spiritual apathy. The American left doesn't.

The secular "Demoncrats" demonstrate more religious fervor for their causes than the right-wingers they criticize. Their churches are public schools where they can continue to baptize young kids in LGBT doctrine. They have flags, holidays, and an ever-growing dictionary of terms and acronyms. Apparently, there is a new acronym in the world of LGBT. 2STGNC stands for Two-spirit, transgender, gender noncomforming+. Not kidding. Read it for yourself.

Jews do not adhere to apathy. Liberal Jews are quick to call out anti-semitism, while Ben Shapiro can freely mock Jesus.

Where are the Christian pastors to give Ben Shapiro the Nick Cannon treatment?

Women are not apathetic towards political matters. Working-age women are becoming a demographic that both parties are bending over backward to cater to. It is all laying the foundation for our eventual first female President.

Curbing political and spiritual apathy is a never-ending battle. Over time, individual setbacks fueled by indifference within families, schools, and societal expectations breed complacency and a lack of faith. I have to work to keep my apathy in check. Lord knows I have plenty of family members and friends who have gradually put me at arm's length because of my views. It would be easy to go along to get along. But there are only two types of good people: those who fight and those who support the fighters. Those who practice apathy toward important societal matters are not good people. They passively encourage evil.

Apathy is easy. It's easy to let people blaspheme God, burn down America, and turn all the kids into make-believe creatures. Standing up for your beliefs despite severe consequences is a narrow path.

I'll walk the narrow road.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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