Don't Interrupt Planned Parenthood When It Is Making A Mistake

Finally, some great news regarding Planned Parenthood.

The organization, founded by racist liberal Margaret Sanger, still kills over 300,000 babies a year. It still provides gender-transitioning drugs to confused adults and impressionable children who have been convinced they should be of the opposite sex. And it continues to do so on the back of taxpayers.

So what is the great news?

They want to unionize.

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) employees are moving forward with plans to be unionized under the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals.

"Workers want to have a voice within the organization and have a seat at the table where decisions are being made about the work that we do," said Andrea Sturgeon, a five-year PPWI nurse practitioner. "Most of us that work here care very deeply about our patients and care very deeply about the mission of Planned Parenthood."

They care so very deeply about their patients that they will crush and suck a baby out of a womb or give the mother a pill so they can bleed the baby out of the uterus. Ghastly stuff, but I digress.

The support for worker unions and union legislation is understandable. I used to be, at least somewhat, in support of unions. It can protect jobs and raise wages for the workers. On average, union members earn more money than non-union members. When I started to dig a little deeper, however, I realized unions are not all they are marketed to be.

Unions and union legislation have racist roots in America. The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, named after Senator James Davis (R-PA) and Representative Robert Bacon (R-NY), mandated that companies set fair wages and benefits for laborers working on federally funded construction projects, whether federal, state, or local. It was designed to protect the wages of unionized white workers when companies began employing black workers at cheaper wages because blacks were barred from labor unions. Robert Bacon said as much. So did many of his Democrat counterparts who also supported the bill.

The NAACP released a statement tearing into labor unions at a 1935 legislative hearing. "Organized labor is hostile to colored people. Practically every labor organization in the country denies Negroes the right of membership therein. Those which admit colored people restrict their employment to the least desirable work, and, because of the race or color of the darker members of the union, deny them the right to the skilled and, in some instances, the semiskilled positions, regardless of their training, skill, or experience."

Along with their racist track record, unionization hinders the economy. When wages for union members increase, the company passes the increases to the consumer. If they didn't, they'd go out of business. Economists have long accredited unions to the instability of economies around the world.

Unions destroy companies, which is why corporate America hates them. The LTL trucking company, Yellow, just went under thanks, in large part, to the Teamsters. Starbucks, McDonald's, and Amazon have been fighting against unionization within its rank-and-file. WWE is the most profitable pro wrestling...excuse me, sports entertainment company in the world. That would not be possible if they had to provide health insurance for people who jump off 20-foot ladders and steel cages.

Unionization is often viewed as a Democrat or left-leaning cause. Yet, left-wing pundits have spoken ill of unions in recent years. Columnists Erik Sherman and Rick Ungar, both of whom have deep union roots, have published articles detailing the fraudulence of unions. Left-wing outlet The Daily Beast published a piece detailing how unions destroyed the city of Detroit. During the plan...pandemic, the teacher's unions stagnated the education of millions of children.

Both the union and abortion movements have racist origins. Both unions and abortions hurt the very people they say they help. Both unions and abortions destroy from within.

Well, two wrongs can make a right in this case. Let the PPWI unionize. Heck, let all of Planned Parenthood's baby-killing factories unionize. It might prove to be a better solution to the abortion issue than legislation from Republicans.

French Emporer Napoleon Bonaparte, who was an avid supporter of labor unions, once said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Planned Parenthood is making a mistake. Let them.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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