Let's Give Liberal Women Some Credit. Not All of Them Are Libtards

For all the things liberalism gets wrong and how often liberals are wrong about a variety of issues, sometimes they get it right. Contrary to popular conservative memes, all liberal women are not overweight, purple-haired, nose-ring-wearing, screaming lunatic libtards (mash-up of "liberal" and "retard"). Some are normal beings who have been fed a distorted worldview. Even still, they are sometimes correct on a given topic, and conservatives should take notice.

Viviana Freyer, a contributing writer for the lifestyle and pop culture website Her Campus, falls into the latter. She is an ordinary liberal Jewish woman who displayed a moment of accuracy about politically mixed relationships.

In her piece titled, "Is Dating A Conservative Man As A Liberal Woman Really That Serious?" she explores an issue in the dating world that many, if not most, conservatives get wrong.

"In my opinion? Yes, yes it is that serious. I know it's not nice to think that politics drive this much of our lives and our relationships, but 'at this point,' everything is political," writes Freyer. "Ultimately, liberal women dating conservative men comes down to an issue of complicity, particularly when it comes to white women."

She continues, "...for those of us who like men, we deserve much better than a conservative boyfriend who's voting your rights away."

Let's start with the issues of liberalism.

Liberalism is the bane of society. It's like a dark plague that destroys everything it touches. Liberalism has convinced people that they should submit to the metaphysical powers of their astrological zodiac signs, but the ultimate ethereal being, The Most High God, doesn't exist. Liberalism has convinced society there is nothing wrong with men dressed as women dancing erotically in front of seven-year-olds. It tells white people today they should feel guilty for sins, namely slavery, they did not commit or have any generational connection to. It dupes black people into supporting everything that was designed to oppress them in the first place, such as gun control and unions. Liberalism tells women that shaking their ass cheeks all over TikTok and Instagram will make them happier. Likewise, it tells men that marriage is for morons and they should only worry about money and cars to impress women who shake their ass cheeks on TikTok and Instagram.

The rejection of the Bible, first known as secularism, began as a minority movement. It gradually expanded into European society, evolving into the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century and giving rise to the ideology known as liberalism.

Conversely, Conservatism champions time-tested values of prudence, decorum, and standards. Conservatism is rooted in a belief in and obedience to God. Conservatism teaches women that modesty in appearance and prudence in relationships will lead to far better outcomes in life than sexual immorality. Conservatism emphasizes the nuclear family, not gay and lesbian throuples. True conservatism is color-blind. A conservative society has guardrails. Everyone cannot, and should not be able to, do anything they want, whenever, wherever. Conservatism is not just lowering taxes while society turns into a circus.

Various studies throughout the years show conservatives are more willing to date liberals than the other way around. And conservatives champion it like a Purple Heart medal. It's actually a self-own. Viviana Freyer and liberal women are absolutely correct. These warring ideologies should never mix in a relationship.

You can't properly raise kids in a home where worldviews clash.

So, where's your abode? Conservatives lean towards the open spaces of rural or suburban life. Liberals like bustling cities. How's the atmosphere at home? Conservatives find contentment more often and wrestle with fewer mental health episodes. Liberals are more depressed than conservatives. What does your household consider holy, the twelve days of Christmas or the lie of Kwanzaa?

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not suggesting that every liberal out there is battling mental health demons. But let's face it: mental health is a social narrative propagated by the Left. Kids thrive in a positive environment. Culture and ideology, they mold behavior. A culture drenched in victimhood and anxiety will produce another BLM soldier rioting in the Minneapolis streets. The destiny of your family hinges on the cultural sway at home โ€“ is it swayed by Cardi B, Ibram X. Kendi, and Kim Kardashian, or by the teachings of Mark, Matthew, and Jesus Christ?

There will naturally be many obstacles in marriage and raising a child. Why add more?

Ms. Freyer brings up another point that conservatives often miss. "Everything is political."

Most people today, even myself at times, adhere to the Merriam-Webster definition of the word "political": of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government. In reality, we should refer to the etymology of the word. Politic comes from the Ancient Greek word politike, meaning "public affairs."

Everything in the public sphere is political. Not just the goings-on in Washington, D.C. or the state and local capitols. Not just the police ("police" and "policy" start with the same five letters). People's clothing choices are a political statement. I'm not just referring to MAGA hats, either. Wearing Adidas foam runners on a snowy Illinois night in January speaks volumes about your politics. Choices in vehicles, from a Ford pickup truck to a Tesla, are political. The sports teams you support, the places you spend your money, what you spend your money on. All political decisions. So, of course, who you date and interact with on a romantic level is a political statement.

Over the years, the Left has understood and practiced this far better than their right-wing counterparts. This is why, despite more Republican politicians being elected into office, society continues to shift leftward.

Most liberal women who read this article will probably be offended. I did call liberalism the bane of society. But, liberal women and women-at-large understand some of our pressing political issues better than most.

Let's give credit when credit is due.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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