Conservatives, Do Not Make An Idol of Candace Owens

Not only is Candace Owens one of my favorite commentators, but she has also ascended to become one of the country’s most important voices. But that megaphone can make her an iconic leader in the America First movement, or an idol that needs to be destroyed.

My first glimpse of Candace was during her run at PragerU, a conservative nonprofit aimed at influencing college students. Her interview with BLM activist Walter "Hawk" Newsome displayed the courage, integrity, and intellectual prowess that are sorely lacking among Americans, particularly black Americans.

One of the reasons Candace has become a household name is because so many culturally neutered black men and stiff-necked black women refuse to speak the truth. Black men would rather keep their true opinions locked in a closet so they can continue to have access to what's between a black woman's legs. Black women have become so consumed with the power they hold over the black community that they have no interest in seeking the truth.

I am convinced that Candace is driven by a sincere quest for truth.

But she's not perfect—none of us are. Everyone deserves to be critiqued, and Candace is no exception.

Since her separation from The Daily Wire, the conservative media pundit has been framing herself as a victim, a hallmark of leftists.

Here is the first post she made after the departure.

"The rumors are true— I am finally free. 

If you would like to support my work, you can head to

where you will be directed to my locals page.

Or, you can give a gift at

There will be many announcements in the weeks to come."

I have an issue with the words "finally free." Was she a slave on The Daily Wire plantation? Was she being held in a Uyghur concentration camp? No and no. Now, were there some underhanded tactics being used to try to mitigate her career? Did some influential powerbrokers push The Daily Wire to release Candace? Maybe, maybe not. I realize I am on the outside looking in. I have no inside information regarding the matter. However, a simple "I am no longer associated with The Daily Wire" would have sufficed.

I'll call it a mistake in her messaging. Because of this mistake, a growing conservative base online is turning Candace into a golden calf, a statue of Dagon. An idol to be worshipped.

Idolaters come from both sides, both using Candace as a shield to justify the real ire of their frustration. The Groyper community, a group of conservative activists, is jumping on the Candace bandwagon as she feuds with Ben Shapiro. Left-wing Vox writer Zack Beauchamp gleefully compares Candace to, who else, Orange Man Bad.

Idolization impedes integrity. Man should not be worshipped. Our hearts are too hardened to handle it. Only The Most High God is deserving of worship. When Man is idolized, it blinds and corrupts him.

It blinds him to the fact that he is not that important in the totality of life. Being humble and showing graciousness become vices, not virtues. It shields him from criticism that would otherwise sharpen his blade. Barack Obama was the least criticized President in my thirty-five years of living. Not a surprise he was also an extraordinarily weak leader.

The idolizers are also blinded. They begin to believe their worldly support for a celebrity says something positive about them. Black women, who have never given a damn about country music, are buying cowboy hats and boots to worship at the altar of Beyonce.

Idolization corrupts the soul of Man. Rap music mogul Diddy and former WWE CEO Vince McMahon are prime examples. Fame, money, and power deluded them into sexual perversion and deviancy. Everything became a conquest for personal riches, sexual pleasures, and vengeance.

That is why I worry about the growing idolization of Candace Owens. It might drive her to seek revenge rather than revelation.

I am not saying Candace will face sex trafficking accusations like Diddy and Vince McMahon. What could happen is she allows her followers to gas her up to pursue a fruitless venture of revenge against her former employer.

Understandably, Candace might take her issues with Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan personally. Women are the more emotional of the sexes. She must fight that urge. Her husband, friends, family, pastors, and fans must encourage her to continue seeking truth and not make the conversation solely about her plights and injustices.

The entire Candace vs. Daily Wire debacle has cleared the space for some very pertinent and necessary conversations: free speech in America, the weaponization of anti-Semitism, Zionism, America and Israel foreign relations, the relationship of Christianity and Judaism, conservative media, and so on. The dialogue from these conversations can impact America and the world for generations to come.

I will continue to support Candace Owens as long as I feel her pursuit of truth is genuine. I plan to make a donation at However, what's at stake in this country is much bigger than Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, or some pervert calling himself a rabbi. I hope she and her idolaters realize it.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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