Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

4 Things This Monday: Why Chelsea Handler's Racism Matters, More Black Children Will Fall Behind, "Free" Education, Drake Is Kinda White

We do not need limousine liberals like Handler telling us how to vote because of HER perception of Black people or opinions of Trump. (While we’re at it, we do not need Joe Biden telling us how to vote because of our skin pigment.) So Handler can save her virtue signaling for another group of suckers.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Vote With Your Brain, Not Your Heart

Some of the best people to have in your inner circle are those who are over themselves. These are people who have an abundance of confidence but have a healthy dose of self-awareness to balance their ego. When they sense their ego is becoming too inflated, they have the emotional stability to check themselves. People like this prioritize brain power over heartstrings.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Liberal Celebrities: How Far Left Are They?

Hollywood and other popular culture industries are breeding grounds for left-wing politics. Many of today’s top stars are pronounced liberals, at least on the surface. Is being a Democrat a prerequisite for superstardom in Hollywood and music? One can only speculate.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Why Independent Media Pundits Should Be Allowed To Moderate Presidential Debates

Expectation feeds frustration. If you watched last night’s presidential debate hoping for a civilized back-and-forth on the issues that matter to you, or to be completely swayed into changing your vote, or even hoping for a fair fight, then you deserve all of the negative emotions you are feeling today. Many people knew going in it would be a feces fest, and a feces fest it was.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Kamala's #KHive and the Dangers of Blind Loyalty

Loyalty is often touted as an ethical superior attribute one must possess. In some cases it is. A journalist should always be loyal to the truth. Biased journalism gives the elites more power and is a disservice to the people.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Young Americans Have Made It Loud and Clear: They Do Not Want To Vote

America has been trying to urge young people to vote for generations, with not-so-encouraging results. Since the ratification of the 26th Amendment, which lowered the voting age in America from 21 to 18, young adults ages 18-29 have had the lowest turnout of any other age group.

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