Whoopi Goldberg Summed Up Many of Today's Democrat Voters in One Word


Today's media gives us so many viral moments, yet most are not worth an iota of attention.

The Meghan Markle/Oprah interview? More black elites race-baiting for the masses.

Hillary Clinton on a virtual International Women's Day Q&A panel? More sour grapes about her losing the 2016 Presidential Election.

Coming 2 America? Another lackluster sequel.

Whoopi Goldberg went viral for her one-word answer to fellow The View co-host Meghan McCain's pro-America rant, and, of course, it was a big "nothing burger".

"I do not want to defend the monarchy. I am a red-blooded, 100 percent American who celebrates freedom anyway I can and always," says McCain.

Whoopi was cheered for her answer, "Okay."

That's it? "Okay"?

Whoopi is another black celebrity who, despite her $60 million net worth, preaches how racist and oppressive America is. To no surprise, Twitter's blue-check mafia came roaring in with support for Whoopi.

Despite Whoopi's "viral" moment being a complete yawn, there is something of note to extract.

She was unapologetically on Team Biden during last year's election cycle, as were many Hollywood Democrats. Donald Trump is no longer in office. Magically, green grass, blue skies, puffy white clouds, sunshine, and rainbows appear. The black Democrat elites (who fellow Democrat Al Sharpton once called Latte Liberals) are relatively silent about recent political happenings.

The "Come One Come All" immigration policies bring Mexican immigrants into the country without proper medical screening and background checks. The "catch and release" mandates have also been lifted. This will have detrimental consequences on working-class earning potential and poses a national security threat.


Foreigners, who were once banned from entering the United States because their home country was deemed a terrorist threat, can now reapply for visas to enter the country. State Department spokesman Ned Price said"Applicants from the affected countries may no longer be denied based on nationality, and the Department has taken a number of steps to ensure that applicants previously refused visas under [the now rescinded Trump travel ban] will not have future visa applications prejudiced in any way by those prior decisions." Allowing Venezuelans or Libyans into the country without verifying if they are connected to terrorist organizations is a massive national security threat.


The Biden Administration's $1.9 trillion "stimulus" bill is the equivalent of a plate of rotten liver covered in colorful icing and sprinkles. Looks nice, but it is no good. The bill does provide checks for Americans and extends unemployment benefits for those out of work, thus making it popular among its supporters.


It will also provide backdoor funding for cities that destroyed their economies by locking down longer than was necessary. It will continue to incentivize the welfare state, discourages citizens lower in the economic food chain from working, and encourages abortions. The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the chairmen of six USCCB committees said in a statement, "...it is unconscionable that Congress has passed the bill without critical protections needed to ensure that billions of taxpayer dollars are used for life-affirming health care and not for abortion."

How do Democrat voters respond?


Less security, fewer economic opportunities down the road, more welfare spending, and more government reliance seems to be "Okay" with the Democrat voter base.

Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.


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