Society Vincent Williams Society Vincent Williams

Let's Play A Game of Race Reversal

Did you hear about the two Rochester, New York teenagers under investigation for setting a mentally-ill, 50-something-year-old man on fire at his home last Friday, March 12, 2021?

If the answer is No, that is understandable. The biased news networks are not talking about it.

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Pop Culture Vincent Williams Pop Culture Vincent Williams

Sports Teams, Dr. Seuss. Hip-Hop Is Next.

WWIII is being waged right now. The battleground is the mind. Streams of tweets and Facebook posts propagating communistic principles take the place of bullets. Instead of tanks rumbling down the street, we get corrupt politicians and power-hungry elites smiling at us on television, insisting that everything will be okay if we listen to them. Instead of fighter jets flying over and dropping bombs, we get Cancel Culture.

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Politics Vincent Williams Politics Vincent Williams

King vs. Kingmaker

Donald Trump laid out the Republican playbook for the next few years during yesterday's CPAC appearance. In a surgically precise hour and a half speech, the 45th President expounded on all of the necessary talking points, rekindling support from citizens and giving marching orders to his political allies.

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