The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly From Candace vs. Cardi Round 2


Candace vs. Cardi Round 1 went to Candace. 

Last year, after Cardi B interviewed Vice President Joe Biden, conservative commentator Candace Owens ripped into the rapper for being used by the Democrat party. To be fair, Owens did have a book on the way, so attacking Cardi made was easy media attention.

Fast forward to yesterday (March 16), Round 2 kicked off as Owens continues to be critical of Cardi's oversexualized image and the pass the media gives her for it.

The Twitter bout kicked into third gear when Cardi allegedly photoshopped a tweet by Owens. Now, the threat of legal action is being thrown around.

This was certainly more entertaining than the Chicago Bulls vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game.

Candace's Round 2 victory Cardi was good on many fronts. Some unintentional negatives came from it, as well.

The Good

Economist Thomas Sowell once said, "A Republican's favorite exercise is running for the hills." The quote might describe many a Republican, say Mitt Romney perhaps, but not Candace Owens. She will stand toe-to-toe with anyone and debate her points. It is a trait that is sorely lacking in some conservative circles. When the heat from the Twitter swamp gets too hot, or friends and family start to turn their noses up, or co-workers start heckling, many conservatives inevitably cave to the liberal onslaught. America is in a culture war, in part, because of this. As society pushes further left, people on the right slowly slide left in the name of "getting along". Conservatives are the more congenial group of people. 

Disagree? Just ask author and political activist Marianne Williamson, who ran for the Democrat presidential nominee in 2019.

"What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are? What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me," Williamson could be heard saying on a hot mic after an interview. She added, "It's such a bizarre world. I'm such a leftie, I'm a serious leftie. I understand why people on the right called them godless. I didn't think the left was as mean as the right, they are."

Candace Owens routinely takes the vitriolic energy from the political left and throws right back in their faces. Ever so slowly, conservatives are starting to follow suit.

The Bad

There is a marketplace for black disfunction.

Violence, poverty, and lack of male leaders in black homes are being profited off of by the powers that be. Conflict within black communities is often exploited for political purposes. Issues between high-profile black celebrities do not aid in solving the myriad of problems hurting blacks. 

The COVID-related school closings, the struggle to get schools reopened, and an entire school year lost will have generational repercussions for black students all over the country. Black students are already behind their other racial counterparts in math and reading. 

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According to a Los Angeles Unified School District study, students of color participate less in online learning.

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What steps can be taken to help black children succeed in school? How can we set up future generations of black children for success in their educational and post-educational lives? A Twitter beef between two black women will not begin to solve these issues.

The Ugly

#CandaceVSCardi brings to the spotlight a painstakingly obvious fact: Hip-Hop has taken a giant step backward. We are long removed from the days of Talib Kweli and Rakim, Bone Thugs-n-Harmony winning a Grammy, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, and Vol. 2...Hard Knock Life. Heck, we are long removed from the days of Lil' Kim who, despite her sexual antics, was an immensely talented rapper in her heyday. Today, we get average rappers Cardi B and Meg Thee Stallion, who have to overcompensate for their lack of lyrical talent with softcore pornography on music's biggest night.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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