Let's Play A Game of Race Reversal


Did you hear about the two Rochester, New York teenagers under investigation for setting a mentally-ill, 50-something-year-old man on fire at his home last Friday, March 12, 2021?

If the answer is No, that is understandable. The biased news networks are not talking about it.


Probably because it does not fit their "all black people are victims of white supremacy" narrative.

According to Rochester Police Captain Frank Umbrino, the WHITE mentally-ill 53-year-old man is currently "fighting for his life". The two teenagers, a BLACK 14-year-old and a BLACK 16-year-old, are being charged as juveniles for first-degree assault and second-degree arson after they sprayed lighter fluid on the man as he sat at his residence. Upon setting the man on fire, one of the boys instructed the man to tell the police they were white.

Initially, the races of all parties involved were not released. On Tuesday, March 16, Rochester-area reporter and radio host Bob Lonsberry tweeted:

Since the Left enjoys playing race reversal games (i.e., what if the Capitol rioters were black?), let's play that same game in this situation.

Imagine if two white teenagers maliciously set a mentally-ill 53-year-old black man on fire in his home? 

It would be the lead story on every news network not named Fox or Newsmax. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Benjamin Crump would be on the next available plane flying over to Rochester. Race hustlers...(excuse me)...celebrities Jemele Hill, Shaun King, and Ibram Kendi would undoubtedly go to Twitter to participate in a #NoJusticeNoPeaceinROC hashtag movement. LeBron James would put out a statement proclaiming black people cannot safely sit in their own homes without fear of being burned alive. Don Lemon, Joy Reid, Whoopi Goldberg, and Sunny Hostin would cry racism all over the airwaves. There would be a moment of silence before every NBA game. One, if not both, of the Obamas will make statements about how racist America is (despite Barack being the first black POTUS). Of course, there would be protests and riots to some degree in Rochester. Heck, there might be a movement to ban all flammable liquids from stores.

However, two black teens burning a white guy? 


Last month, a police officer in Idaho Falls mistakenly killed a man in his backyard while chasing down a suspect. All people involved were white, so mainstream news outlets did not notice.

Can you imagine if the innocent man killed was black?

Instead of judging a situation by the accompanying facts, the person's black skin color becomes the main focus. If a black person is not involved, it's not worth the hassle for CNN or MSNBC.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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