Vote With Your Brain, Not Your Heart

Some of the best people to have in your inner circle are those who are over themselves. These are people who have an abundance of confidence but have a healthy dose of self-awareness to balance their ego. When they sense their ego is becoming too inflated, they have the emotional stability to check themselves. People like this prioritize brain power over heartstrings.

Black people, and an increasing number of Black men, do not utilize their craniums nearly enough. Similar to the women who more than likely raised them (over 75% of Blacks are born in single-mother households), emotions drown out any voices of logic. Black males showing emotion is encouraged by sectors in the community. Feelings are okay within the confines of one’s humble abode (we are human), but that is where they should stay. Logic and reason should overtake emotion at school, work and the business world. Feelings are fleeting, after all. You can be happy at 7 o’clock, mad at 8, and feeling anxious by 10. Money, women and emotions are all the same: they come and they go.

Emotions should stay out of the voting booth. I’m sure you have heard time and time again that this upcoming election will be the most important of our lives. In such a crucial election, would it not be appropriate to have a clear mind when voting? Thoughts filled with reason and intellect have persuaded Ice Cube and 50 Cent to show support for President Trump.

For Ice Cube, he observed Black people’s allegiance to the Democrat party. According to Pew Research data, 87% of Blacks said they either identified or leaned Democrat. For many Blacks, there is an emotional and psychological pull towards the Democrat party, despite the poor economic conditions many of them endure. They remained triggered by the slightest hints of racism, allowing themselves to become filled with rage and envy that equates to violence in the very neighborhoods they reside. Their inflated, unchecked egos allow their vanity to be exploited, as welfare and the promises of “equality” are dangled in front of them. Only a logical state of mind can make these observations.

In 50 Cent’s case, his logic made him realize that he would be paying much more money in taxes living in a Biden/Harris America:


Curtis Jackson is a go-getter. You can take all of his money away and material possessions from him. He will have it back, and then some, in the following five years. Instead of throwing pity parties and comparing himself to Black people lower in the economic food chain, he strives for financial achievements. Voting for Joe Biden and his proposed tax hikes would only penalize him for succeeding down the road. What would be the purpose of all the hard work, sleepless nights and sacrifice to achieve financial freedom just to give half your profit to tax-hungry politicians? Only a logical state of mind (and a hustler’s spirit) can see the situation this way.

I am not here to preach to you about voting for one side or the other. We live in an autonomous nation. Make your own decisions. Just make sure you take your brain to the polls, and not your heart.  

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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