Will Republicans Be Cleaning Up The Democrat Mess In 2024?

The more you start to understand human psychology and what humans will do for money, power, and infamy, the more you realize how and why history constantly repeats itself.

Take, for instance, Black Lives Matter. A rogue hate group portraying themselves as "activists" using violence to exert political power. We have witnessed this before with the Ku Klux Klan, a rogue hate group portraying themselves as "activists" using violence to exert political power. Both groups had strong ties to the Democrat Party and both used a three-letter abbreviation.

History seems to be repeating itself in regards to the rise of the Taliban. 

Revisionist historians rarely blame the Clinton White House for the events on September 11, 2001.

It was under President Clinton which a series of escalating attacks on the US emboldened foreign enemies. It started with the initial attacks on the World Trade Center in 1993; then the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 US Air Force members; the bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, which killed over 200 people; the bombing of USS Cole killed 17 US Navy soldiers and injured dozens more. 

According to The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune contributor Marc Thiessen, "Each of these attacks was carried out with no effective US response. Clinton employed a combination of law enforcement (the arrest of Ramzi Yousef for the World Trade Center bombing) and symbolic, pinprick cruise-missile strikes β€” firing, in the words of President George W. Bush, 'a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent [to] hit a camel in the butt.' The terrorists were allowed to maintain their haven in Afghanistan, where they planned the 9/11 attacks, which was well underway – including the deployment of some of the hijackers to the United States β€” before Clinton left office."

Bill Clinton also significantly downsized the military. He recommended cutting the military budget upwards of $12 billion, an approach General Colin Powell called "fundamentally flawed."

Less than a year into George W. Bush's first term, 9/11 happens. What would a Bush presidency have looked like had not been for the foreign policy transgressions of Clinton?

Like the Clinton Administration, there could be a string of terror attacks against the United States under President Joe Biden. 

After withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan and the subsequent Taliban takeover of Kabul, the Taliban forces reportedly control Afghanistan's resources, including oil. The total worth of Afghanistan's resources is rumored to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $3 trillion. The Taliban's access to these resources will make them an attractive ally for several of America's enemies, namely China.

The Chinese will not care about the Taliban's use of pronouns, care if the LGBT flag is displaying or not, or if their military has a certain percentage of women. Instead, the Chinese will be looking to strike a business deal that helps them take down the United States.

As US politicians battle one another over COVID-related policies and the borders remain virtually wide open, extremists now have the opportunity to enter the country under the radar and plan an attack. The plans for the 9/11 attack were underway before Clinton left office. What nefarious plans are being plotted under this administration? If history repeats itself, this will be a mess left for the next administration.

The following administration could very well be Republican. As Biden's approval ratings continue to slide and voter apathy sets in for the Democrats, there could be a Republican red wave similar to the 1984 Election when Reagan won 525 electoral votes. If Trump were to win a second term or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wins a first, foreign affairs would have to be the top agenda on their docket. Foreign affairs are crucial, but so are domestic issues such as the excessive national debt, welfare reform, police reform, and the potential social security crisis on the horizon.

George W. Bush's presidency was marred by a huge "what if": what if 9/11 never happened? Could Bush have become an all-time great President? Hopefully, the next Republican White House will not have to face the same circumstances that Bush 43 did.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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