Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

What Message Did The NFL Send To Black America?

Cameron Jerrell Newton is a New England Patriot. That still doesn’t sound right. An emotional, inconsistent, aging, fashionably loud, braggadocios, chatty, inaccurate, diva quarterback with a growing list of injuries, who had an MVP season sprinkled among numerous mediocre seasons and who is past his peak was signed by the great Bill Belichick?

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Now Is The Time To Be Fearless

They will not stop until the “A” in “USA” stands for Anarchy. Now is the time look that bully square in the eye, speak your piece, and make a stand for what you believe in. Now is the time to be fearless.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

This Could Be A Great Time For A Child Rebel Soldier Reunion

Even though it is usually better to keep moving forward, Hip-Hop should dig into the bag of nostalgia once more and bring back Child Rebel Soldier. Sometimes abbreviated to CRS, Child Rebel Soldier was a Hip-Hop supergroup consisting of Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, and Pharrell Williams.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

The Subtle Art of Corporate Window Dressing

“Philanthropy is the future of marketing, it’s the way brands are going to win”. So, is the renewed interest that companies are showing for the black community legitimate signs that they, too, want social reform, or is it just the innovation of marketing?

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

African-Americans, Police Brutality, and Violence: Just The Facts

Fox Sports radio host and founder of Outkick the Coverage Clay Travis has been one of the few rational voices resonating throughout the country recently. At the start of his Fox Sports radio show Outkick the Coverage on June 1, 2020, he states, with a stern diplomatic demeanor, that "We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts".

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