Now Is The Time To Be Fearless

We have always had a soft spot in our hearts for those who are bullied. Arnold, the beloved protagonist from the aptly-named Nickelodeon cartoon series Hey Arnold!, was bullied all throughout the series, most notably by his arch-nemesis Helga who secretly loved him. Aside from The Simpsons themselves, one of the more popular characters on the show was the blue-haired Milhouse, who was often bullied and manipulated, even by his friend Bart. Initiatives like WWE’s Be A Star campaign started popping up all over the country to help prevent bullying among kids. 

So why is there so much bullying going on?

The BLM mob bullied Drew Brees into apologizing for an absolutely harmless statement about people who disrespect the flag. Oklahoma State University football coach Mike Gundy was bullied into apologizing for wearing an “OAN” t-shirt. Musicians, athletes, and film stars, some of whom want to be neutral and just focus on their careers, are being bullied into “blacking out” their profile pictures and donating money to the Democratic fundraiser BlackLivesMatter if they do not want to be canceled. Lawmakers are being bullied to change policies, universities are being bullied into changing logos, companies are being bullied to change the branding of certain products, and mobs of bullies are tearing down statues and vandalizing monuments across the world.

Author, activist, and co-founder of the BlackLivesMatter movement Alicia Garza once said, “We all lose when bullying and personal attacks become a substitute for genuine conversation and principled disagreement”. It is her organization and its legion of mindless followers who no longer want to divulge in civil discussions. They would much rather blame racism, systemic oppression, guns, Donald Trump, Candace Owens, Jason Whitlock, unicorns, teddy bears, or whatever else they need to in order to fuel their propaganda. Then they send out the cancel mob to bully anyone who dares to speak in opposition to the BLM movement. Corporations, small mom and pop stores, and even everyday citizens find themselves kowtowing to BlackLivesMatter just to keep from having their property damaged or having their lives turned upside-down. CEOs and other business owners are aware that opposing BLM would deliver a tragic blow to their bottom line.

Well, now is the time hit the bullies back!

We must not let the rampaging stampede of misinformed social justice warriors classify people based on pigmentation or occupation. All black people do not have to support #BlackLivesMatter. All whites are not racist. All cops do not needlessly target men of color. All Democrats are not heroes. All Republicans are not villains.
Do not let a group of people who once advocated that gun laws should be more strict and should only be in the hands of police officers, then advocate that the police should no longer exist control the nation’s future for generations. Do not be bullied to vote one way or another because of color, race, socioeconomic status, or gender (especially by those who do not vote at all). We cannot let those who do not understand the law be able to strongarm policymakers into changing the law. Our society mustn’t let the whims of race-baiters with a box full of participation trophies in their closet morph us from a nation of capitalism, which is flawed but has still been the single best thing to happen to mankind, into a nation of communism, where citizens are oppressed and do not own anything (and for the love of everything pure, stop calling each other “comrades”).

If we allow the “woke” Twitter mob of America to bully us into changing society to fit their irrational and absurd requests, our country will plummet into a dark age for many generations to come. They will not stop until the “A” in “USA” stands for Anarchy. Now is the time look that bully square in the eye, speak your piece, and make a stand for what you believe in.

Now is the time to be fearless.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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