Bill Cosby's Unshakeable Faith Is What Cancel Culture Fears


#MeToo was the prelude to today's full-blown cancel culture.

The social media-fueled movement was meant to bring awareness to shadowy sexual exploits in Hollywood and corporate America. However, as the old adage goes, the road to hell was paved with good intentions. Instead, #MeToo turned out to be the weapon of choice in feminism’s all-out assault against our longstanding patriarchal society. With little to no evidence or misrepresentation of evidence, a man could have his reputation and livelihood destroyed in the same amount of time it takes to send 180 characters into the Twitterverse. Over the years, the #MeToo movement became like Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man) in a never-ending quest to gobble up more victims.

The first big domino to fall was Harvey Weinstein. He was accused of dozens of sexual misconduct allegations which ranged from unwanted groping to rape; many of them were dismissed. Despite his claims that all the interactions were consensual, he was fired from his film company which later went bankrupt. He was found guilty and sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Needlessly-scrutinized comedian Louis C.K. had his career derailed (slightly) after multiple allegations of sexual malevolence. Louis, who uses comedy to poke holes through the psychology of feminists and woke liberals, survived the #MeToo purge. His first show back on the road was greeted with a standing ovation.

Then came the allegations against Bill Cosby.

Cosby is an example of what America was built on: work, grit, and God. His father, William, was a US Navy vet, and his mother, Anna, was a maid. Bill would later follow in his father's footsteps serving as a Navy medical specialist. In addition, he was a multi-sport athlete in high school, which paved a route for him to earn a track and field scholarship to Temple University. 

Much of his early work drew parallels to religion and the Bible, including this bit referencing Noah's Arc:

The fictional Huxtable family on The Cosby Show was a tight-knit upper-class black family bound by love and their belief in God.

Bill Cosby has written in the past that he "believes in and fears God." He supported the NFL's original kneeler, devout Christian Tim Tebow. His fear in God is what strikes fear in our modern-day God-less abyss.

Isaiah 41:10 reads, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Unfortunately, people will wear fear on their chest instead of strength, loyalty, and logic. We are being conditioned to fear COVID, fear Donald Trump and his supporters, fear domestic terrorism, fear voting laws. Now, Bill Cosby’s release from prison is something to be feared.

"Bill Cosby being released makes this a really difficult day for survivors everywhere. While I don't believe in the prison system, I cannot explain the fear of knowing that your abuser for someone else's is walking free," writes one Twitter user.

A man who stands on his laurels and religious faith is also feared. Award-winning journalist Jason Whitlock, when discussing his mindset behind his new podcast Fearless with Jason Whitlock, relies heavily on his religious foundation as his compass:

"I'm gonna be transparent about who I am, who I was, and where I'm at now. I think that if anybody has really followed my work, I never shied away from my religious upbringing. I never shied away from my religious principles. They were just drowned out by me keeping it real about what my actions were in real life as a younger man. 'Cause I'd never want to be a hypocrite. I'd never want to live a lie...I'm not ashamed of a lot of the people that I met when I was living more in the world than I am now."

The purpose of this article is not to judge whether Cosby is guilty or not. I don't know and will probably never definitively know. Nor is the purpose of this article to gauge if Cosby got off on a technicality.

Morality and firm spiritual conviction is the best counterpunch to the pro-censorship, fear-hustling knuckleheads patroling the Twitter streets.

Bill Cosby is a free man.

Thank God!

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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