Selfish Entrepreneurs Like Branson and Musk Will Keep The Human Race In Existence
Greed is dangerous and deadly. Selfishness, when harnessed and appropriately checked, is a needed ingredient for success. We are hardwired to act in our self-interest. There isn't anything wrong with that. It has been and will continue to be the driving force behind many of our first-world innovations.
How WWE Is Helping In The War on Masculinity
Who can save American masculinity?
The red-headed stepchild of the sports world is already fighting the good fight.
Let's Play A Game of Race Reversal
Did you hear about the two Rochester, New York teenagers under investigation for setting a mentally-ill, 50-something-year-old man on fire at his home last Friday, March 12, 2021?
If the answer is No, that is understandable. The biased news networks are not talking about it.
We Don't Need A $24 Minimum Wage
The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour of work. A 331% increase is not only outrageous but outright insane. However, what if $7.25 was not the real minimum wage?