Will and Jada's Fake Saga Will Have Real Consequences

easily persuaded to believe something; credulous

Anyone who believes that the Red Table Talk nonsense was real is gullible. That was as fake and manufactured as a racial incident on a college campus (we can partly blame Jussie Smollett for that). Perhaps everyone forgot that Will and Jada act for a living. They were probably both sitting at home and getting on each other’s nerves while thinking about ways to reinject their names in the media cycle. What better way to accomplish that than to create a soap opera that the gullible American public would gobble up. The Smith family’s hunger for attention continues to perpetuate harmful messages to their audience.

First and foremost, the concept of family continues to find itself in the crosshairs. As Will and Jada put forth their performance of a couple with marital problems, Dr. Dre is in the midst of a divorce that might leave him $400 million lighter and the Black Lives Matter organization continues their quest to “disrupt the Western-prescribed family structure requirement”. While divorce rates have dropped, that is only because fewer people are getting married in the first place. This newfound hatred towards family has bled over into other avenues of society. Drew Brees defended the American flag and his deceased grandfather, Robert Ray Akins, who fought to defend that flag in World War II and was met with unbridled vitriol in the process. The strongest nations on the planet have strong family structures. As the importance of family decays in America, so does the soul of society.

Let’s assume for a second that this staged production was real. The men portrayed on the show are the antithesis of masculinity. R&B crooner August Alsina is having an affair with a married woman. That is probably something that should be kept extremely close to the vest, especially considering the high profile personalities involved. Instead, he runs his mouth about it. Even worse, in 2019, he supposedly made a song about the affair titled “Nunya”. Will Smith, on the other hand, also committed a significant infraction. After finding out his wife was cheating on him, he promptly takes her on a Bahamas vacation. In other words, he rewarded her infidelity. Masculine men do not operate in this fashion. A man with principles will not sleep with another man’s wife. With fewer women getting married there should be plenty of single women to lay instead of one with a ring on her hand. If he were to have sex with a married woman, not only would he keep his lips sealed about it, he is definitely not making a song about the ordeal. Why needlessly jeopardize someone else’s situation? Alpha men absolutely would not take their cheating spouse on a vacation in the Bahamas that reportedly costs over $3000 a night. That woman will cheat every chance she gets if that is the reward. We will never know the full story of their marriage, but, from the outside looking in, if Will Smith was the party being cheated on, the divorce courts might favor him and he could cut his ties without losing much financially. The kids involved would make a divorce even messier. Anyway, these unprincipled actions foster a lack of respect for men and empower women to continue their adulterous ways.

Eclipsing 15 million views on Facebook within the first 24 hours, the gullible American audiences soaked up the Red Table Talk shenanigans. Unfortunately, it served as another attack against family and masculinity in modern society.

Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.


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