"What Is A Woman" Illustrates Why America Needs To Grow Up

There is a "grown-up crisis" in America these days.

Over the years, the word "crisis" has been politically corrupted. Anything that does not work in favor of a particular group of people is seemingly labeled a "crisis." President Biden came into office with a list of "crises" that needed to be addressed: the COVID crisis, the economic crisis, the racial justice crisis, and the environmental crisis. Prostituting the word for political purposes deemphasizes actual crises. Few people talk about the ongoing border crisis.

America is enduring a crisis of adults who want to be children. Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire's documentary What Is A Woman? shines a spotlight on this issue.

For centuries, there have been two genders. In a 1996 episode of Bill Nye The Science Guy, a science show aimed at K-12 children, Bill Nye and company break down chromosomes: "Inside each of ourselves are these things called chromosomes, and they control whether we become a boy or a girl. There are only two possibilities: 'XX,' a girl, or 'XY,' a boy." Fast forward to today, there are close to 80 genders. What changed in the last 26 years? Well, Bill Nye is a celebrity scientist. Celebrity is fueled by fame and science can be fueled by money. Nye says whatever fame and money tell him to say.

Helping to fuel the explosion of genders is childish narcissism. Boomers helped raise a generation of children who were made to feel special. Last place team in the local little league? That's okay, here's a trophy. First to be eliminated in the 4th-grade spelling bee? Here's a ribbon. A child feeling special is not inherently bad, but it turns into narcissism without the tough love.

In What Is A Woman?, so many of the people who were interviewed lived unchallenged in a self-centered, fantastical world where they thought men could have vaginas, women could have penises, and you can believe a person doesn't exist even as they stand right in front of you. "If you think I don't exist, then I don't exist," said one pedestrian. I understand Walsh may have strategically targeted specific individuals because he knew what answer he may get. He interviewed a man in San Francisco who stood butt naked outside in the middle of the day. This may not represent most of America, but there is a large enough sample size to suggest there is a problem. 

Most children live in a fantasy world at times. We believed a fat man flew in the air on a sleigh pulled by magical reindeer and dropped presents down our chimneys every Christmas. Even if we lived in apartment complexes. Or a fairy flew into our rooms at night and paid us money for our missing teeth. For most of us, we grew out of these beliefs. However, a vocal minority did not.

Decades of quixotic delusions and unchecked emotions in children have played a role in today's gender confusion. Psychologist John Rosemond wrote in an essay titled Left Unchecked, Kids' Feelings Lead to Soap Operas:

"We are now more than 50 years into this progressive parenting experiment, and child mental health is a train wreck. The evidence strongly suggests that when it comes to parenting matters, most psychologists don't know what they are talking about.

How, otherwise, to explain that the more parents have consumed psychological parenting advice and the more child psychologists, per capita, university graduate school programs have churned out, the worse child mental health has become?

Children are inclined, by nature, to soap opera, meaning their emotional responses to events are generally disproportionate to the actual significance, present or future, of those events."

These soap opera children are now soap opera adults. Their smartphone is their camera. Just pull up TikTok or Instagram, and then it's lights, camera, action. Everyone is their own reality television star and can make themselves whatever they want. A biological male can recreate himself to be a non-binary CIS queer using Him/Her pronouns.

Some segments of society are children trapped inside of an adult's body. That is the nexus of the term adulting. Dictionary.com defines adulting as "an informal term to describe behavior that is seen as responsible and grown-up. This behavior often involves meeting the mundane demands of independent and professional living, such as paying bills and running errands." To put it bluntly, adulting is committed by adults who do not want to be adults. In my opinion, some of the Pronoun Peeps hide their unwillingness to join adulthood behind the LGBT flag.

Being an adult means acknowledging the truth. One professor interviewed in the documentary said the truth is "transphobic, condescending and rude."

This is the steep slope we have spiraled down. The truth is rude. Saying Lia Thomas is not a woman is rude. Saying Rachel Dolezal is not black is rude. Not acknowledging the path of destruction forged by Black Lives Matter is rude.

Fostering a culture of people not wanting to grow up and tell the truth trickles down to every other nook and cranny of society.

The LGBTQ+ movement has become a Ponzi scheme for corporate America and academia. With more elementary schools embracing the movement, liberal comedian and provocateur Bill Maher speculates why the LGBT population doubles every generation.

More kids being groomed for transgenderism justifies the need for more LGBT departments and liaisons in schools and companies. Starting salaries for LGBT liaisons range from $31k to $52k a year. Some make upwards of $100k. One of the men interviewed in the documentary was Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen. He is the Deputy Executive Director at the National Center for Transgender Equality. The more LGBTQ+ plus people there, the more job security he has.

Corporations love the influx of LGBT employees entering the labor market. According to an LGBTQ Finances Survey from the consumer crediting company Experian, many in the LGBT community are in dire straits financially. Almost half (49%) are not in control of their finances. 49% ages 25-34 admitted they have bad spending habits. In addition, 46% of all LGBT respondents overspend when dining out.

LGBT people care less about credit and subsequently have lower credit scores. The Center for LGBTQ Economic Advancement & Research reported in 2021 that 16% of LGBT Americans have "poor" or "very poor" credit scores, compared to 8% of non-LGBT Americans. In addition, over 30% of black LGBT Americans have poor credit histories. This, in part, is why homeownership for gays and lesbians (49%) is far lower than the national average (65%). It has become a self-perpetuating problem.

Being in poor financial health means a person is less likely to be picky in the labor market. They will be more willing to work less desirable jobs, often for less money, shifting the Overton window of what slavery looks like.

For decades, conservatives have not pushed back on the Jacobinical movement because of their allegiance to freedom. As long as what one side is doing doesn't affect the other, go for it. But, as the LGBTQ+ movement extends into politics, it does affect how conservatives live their lives.

In what was a controversial image at the time, on its May 21, 2012 cover, Newsweek called Barack Obama the first gay president.

In a 2004 debate against Republican Alan Keyes for a US Senate seat, Obama stated to the moderator, "What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman. What I believe, in my faith, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it's not simply the two persons who are meeting."

After the debate, Lauren Verdich, Obama's LGBT advisor, asked him, "How could you do this?"

"You have to understand that I'm a Christian," Obama responded.

"This community is expecting you to stand beside them," Verdich replied.

This is a microcosm of the childlike expectations many Americans (and LGBT Americans) have of politicians. We saw this manifest leading up to the 2020 Presidential election. Politicians are not voted into office to stand behind one particular group of people, be a bastion of outstanding moral character, or be drinking buddies. They are voted in by their constituents to do a job. That job is to maintain the people's freedom, economic opportunities, and God-given rights. Looking for a President, Senator, Governor, or Mayor to be anything else is childish.

Obama's pro-LGBT policies extended the government's foothold into citizens' everyday lives. Because of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) repeal, Christian pastors were now forced to marry same-sex couples despite their religion. His anti-LGBT bathroom bill has helped spur sexual confusion and worse in school restrooms all over the country.

The Obama Administration used the LGBT community as a trojan horse to increase the size of the federal government.

The fact that we need to answer the question of what a woman is shows the societal decay that America is enduring. It shows how immature our stances towards politics has become.

It is time for America to grow up!

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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