The Racial Industrial Complex Is Morphing Black Liberals Into Black Leftists

In President Eisenhower's farewell address, he warned America of an oncoming threat to society, the Military Industrial Complex. It is the bureaucratic partnership between political figures who antagonize foreign enemies and exacerbate conflicts and the corporations who profit from them. One of its subsidiaries is the Racial Industrial Complex, the partnership between black ideologues who artificially manufacture racism and the corporations who become monetary beneficiaries of it. The RIC has become a well-oiled machine, churning out radicalized black leftist soldiers ready to fight a race war that has already been fought.

Over the last 60 years, black liberals have been seduced by the truculent teachings of guerillas like Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and Fred Hampton. Their charisma, vigor, and political savviness captured the obedience of blacks nationwide. Their willingness to engage in physical altercation was appropriate during a much more racially divisive time in America. The offspring of these teachers was the Black Panther Party.

BPP members stormed the streets sporting black berets and leather jackets while carrying long rifles, similar to how Anglo-Saxon and French soldiers of the 17th and 18th centuries who conquered their enemies in Europe. The 1970s was the first time blacks seized meaningful power in American culture. It was a hypnotic taste of power that black America has been fiending for ever since.

Black culture became militarized from fashion to music. Army fatigues and tactical boots became a fashion statement. Hip-Hop production started employing a military-style "left-right-left" cadence. Rap groups often viewed themselves as battalions. Jay-Z would call Roc-A-Fella Records the "ROC Army." Next, Cam'Ron came along with The Diplomats. Then came 50 Cent and Guerilla Unit, better known as G-Unit.

Since the abolishment of slavery and blacks gaining more political capital, black Americans have become some of the most privileged and materially-wealthy blacks in history. Blacks should have been taking a victory lap, but that would cripple the RIC's profits. Instead, the Racial Industrial Complex enlisted black celebrities to sell racism to its constituents for profit. Oppressed multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick kneels during the National Anthem, and the NFL donates $250 million to combat "systemic racism". As a result, black viewership for the NFL skyrockets, which the league profits from with multi-billion dollar television deals.

When you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it. Black liberals have been sold the myth of 2022 white supremacy and have become increasingly unhinged. We have witnessed this in real-time as peaceful demonstrations turned into destructive orchestras of chaos during 2020's "Summer of Love". With the power of establishment elites behind them, black leftists are not only encouraged but allowed to burn down everything under the guise of civil rights.

In the 1950s and 60s, it was understandable, given the racial climate. But today, Jim Crow, slavery, reparations, and white supremacy should no longer be mainstream talking points. But, unfortunately, some blacks talk like we are still in handcuffs and leg irons. This rearview mirror mindset was evident during the #WalkAway Campaign's Black American Culture War Debate in Washington, DC. 

The debate featured three black personalities from each side of the aisle. On the left were civil rights attorney and radio host Robert Patillo, attorney and former legal aide M. Reese Everson, and overseas basketball player Rashad Singleton. Representing the right were Blaze TV contributor and columnist Delano Squires, social media personality and Blaze TV contributor Shemeka Michelle, along with Republican strategist Malek Abdul.   

Patillo, Everson, and Singleton were probably liberals once upon a time. After RIC indoctrination, they are full-blown leftists.

There are very distinct differences between liberals and leftists. Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk recently gave a speech at Grand Canyon University, where he illustrated the differences between leftists, liberals, libertarians, and conservatives. Kirk said, "Leftists, more than anything else, I would say, they have a very specific view of the country, view of the world. They are unapologetic about wanting to use political power to effectuate that in modern America. [They are] hyper-focused on race, hyper-focused on trying to redesign society, and also…hostile towards American history, the American founding, [and] Western civilization. Very outspoken about what they would see as systemic injustices."

Kirk continues, "Liberals are different than leftists. They have a lot in common, by the way. Liberals will see things similarly, but they'll stop short of how willing they are to actually use government power. Great example is one of the last liberals in America, Alan Dershowitz. Alan Dershowitz is pro-abortion, he's generally very relaxed on immigration, but he still has an honest...moral fiber where he would go and defend people for their right to speak. Now that's a very important distinction between leftists and liberals is the issue of speech. If you think speech to be hostile because you say something offensive, you're a leftist. If you think speech is necessary towards a free society and you say 'Get over it' because you hear something offensive, you're not a leftist. You might be one of the other three categories."

In layman's terms, leftists have an unhealthy yearning for power. Leftist revolutionaries understand to amass power, you have to control the flow of information. They have minimal regard for history that does fit neatly into their preconceived narratives.

M. Reese Everson mentioned several times during the debate the Freedmen's Contract of 1865. In her words, the contract states that freed blacks were entitled to land protected by the American military. This is what the phrase "forty acres and a mule" refers to. She is correct but is leaving out a large part of the story.

Amid the Civil War, Republican House members, led by T.D. Eliot of Massachusetts, proposed a bill offering government-enforced protections for freed blacks. The Act would provide food, shelter, healthcare, and land protected by the military to anyone displaced in the South because of the war. After months of debate with House Democrats, the bill passed to the Senate with a narrow 69-67 vote. More months of arguing ensued before the bill won in the Senate with a 21-9 vote on March 3, 1865. President Lincoln signed the Freedmen Bureau Act of 1865 that same day. The protections would last for one year after the end of the Civil War.

In January of 1866, a few months before the Act was set to expire, Illinois Republican congressman Lyman Trumbull presented a new Freedmen bill to eliminate the expiration date and provide increased protections for blacks and refugees nationwide. After passing through Congress, the bill made it to President Andrew Johnson's desk. (Lincoln had been assassinated the year prior.) Johnson vetoed the bill. A watered-down version of the bill made it to the president's desk, offering fewer resources and almost no military protection. Again, vetoed by Johnson. However, a two-thirds vote from Congress overruled his veto. The Freedmen's Bureau Act of 1866 would last for two years.

America lived up to its forty acres and a mule promise. Twice.

Another repeated talking point from the Black Culture War Debate was the assumption that America purposely built highways through black neighborhoods. When discussing black people's views on capitalism and socialism, Everson mentioned Black Bottom.

"There was another place in Detroit. There was a community called Black Bottom, and they built a freeway through it. So every time black people decide that they want to build something and be capitalists, somebody decides to come along and either burn it down, tear it down, level it, put a cemetery over it," says Everson.

Once again, this is revisionist leftist history.

Black Bottom was a predominantly black district in Detroit that was leveled in favor of interstate highway construction under President Eisenhower's Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. The name Black Bottom comes from the French settlers who occupied the region in the 1800s, citing the rich black soil making for good farmland.

Over the years, the racial demographics of the region changed, and by the early 1900s, Black Bottom was overwhelmingly black. It became an entertainment mecca flourishing with businesses and economic opportunities. However, as southern states floundered and The Great Migration commenced, the Detroit area saw a massive population spike that it could not handle. By the 1950s, Black Bottom had become a dilapidated version of its former self. Many parts of the district were abandoned as patrons fled for greener pastures.

Historian Ken Coleman says, "A term [that] becomes very popular in the 1930s, '40s and '50s, called 'Slum Clearance.' And that is a government political term speaking to sections of town that have inadequate structures. Fire hazards. They don't have plumbing, their rooves are sinking in, the porches [and] the steps are falling apart. And that's largely what Black Bottom was in terms of the structures that were there." Former Detroit Free Press reporter John Gallagher said the infrastructure was so outdated that you could find wooden sewer pipes beneath the streets.

With help from state and local governments, it was decided that Black Bottom, neighboring district Paradise Valley, and parts of Corktown and Greektown would be demolished to give way to the Interstate Highway system. I emphasize that local politicians (mostly Democrats) played a role because leftist historians will have you believe Eisenhower made the decision on a racial whim. Some blacks were displaced. Some German and Irish immigrants were expelled when parts of Greektown and Corktown were torn down. From President Eisenhower's perspective, this was not a diabolical racial plot. It was an opportunity to modernize America to make the country more competitive on the global stage.

One of the more laughable moments during the debate was when Rashad Singleton, who played professional basketball in the Republic of Tunisia, referenced "Parent Plannedhood." No, that is not a typo. He said it multiple times, "Parent Plannedhood." He said it was founded by Margaret Thatcher, who dog whistled to Republicans. Where is Laura Ingraham when you need her?

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger. She communicated with Clarence Gamble, heir to the Proctor & Gamble empire, on how to advance the abortion agenda in the black community, advocating to help "exterminate the Negro population." She once gave a speech to the wives of Clansmen. All of her philosophies she adopted from secular, liberal whites. Saying that she was dog-whistling to Republicans is patently false.

Falsehoods are the paper mache foundation on which the political left builds all of its arguments. American government not honoring its agreement with blacks, false. America purposely built highways through prosperous black communities, false. Black Wall Street was burned down by KKK members, false. Margaret Sanger cozied up to white supremacist Republicans, false. They use these tall tales in an attempt to seize the power they want for themselves. Everson and Patillo are both civil rights attorneys. They need the narrative of white supremacy to exist to justify their legal fees. They have no desire to eradicate racism or white supremacy. They merely want the system to work heavy-handedly in their favor.

Steve Phillips, founder of a political media outlet called Democracy In Color, authored a piece for The Guardian titled "America is built on a racist social contract. It's time to tear it up and start anew." He starts by writing, "The current social contract in America is not an expression of our deepest values, greatest hopes, and highest ideals. Quite the contrary, it is the result of a centuries-long series of compromises with white supremacists." Phillips later mentions the Fugitive Slave Clause in the Constitution, where any person fleeing servitude who escapes to another state can be returned to their master. Then, he brings up Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 (better known as the Three-Fifths Compromise), which classified slaves as three-fifths of a citizen.

Phillips dishonestly omits the fact the 13th Amendment makes the Fugitive Slave Clause null and void. He ignores (or perhaps doesn't know) the Three-Fifths Compromise was a prelude to ending American slavery. Not allowing slaves to be considered as a whole person in the electorate dampened the slave owner's power in local and federal elections, keeping pro-slavery officials out of office.

These people are not just a vocal minority. They are a clamant majority. According to an NPR/Marist poll, 52% of Americans believe white supremacy is the "most lethal terrorist threat", including 79% of blacks. John Henrik Clarke, a black supremacist disguising himself as a historian, once said about black people, "If you need a friend, look in the mirror. And, if what is staring back at you is not friendly, you have no friends. We will have taken one giant step forward when we face this reality. Powerful people never teach powerless people how to take their power away from them."

The Racial Industrial Complex has its grip on academia, Hollywood, the music industry, the NBA, and the NFL. It is now expanding into the NHL.

Black leftists of the Racial Industrial Complex have no desire to properly teach history, end racism, stop white supremacy, build black wealth, or help their black audiences. They want the bag. They will sell out anyone or anything to get it. The vendition of racial idolatry will continue to turn black liberals into leftist soldiers.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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