As Trump Gains In Pennsylvania, Unrest Emerges In Philly

New poll data from FiveThirtyEight suggests that Trump is gaining ground in Pennsylvania. As of this writing, the President sits at 46%, up from 44% on October 26. He knows winning the Keystone State is crucial in winning the election. Trump has withdrawn campaign dollars from Florida and has poured some of it towards Pennsylvania, illustrating the importance of those 20 electoral votes.

As Trump tries to turn PA red, the state’s most popular city, Philadelphia, finds itself in the midst of chaos and civil unrest.

Philly has witnessed a violent 2020 with a 42% increase in violent crime including 1,810 shootings (18% fatal) and 84% involving Blacks. The 42% increase is on top of a violent 2019 when the city witnessed the most shootings since 2010. Much of this violence has been of the Black-on-Black variety.

Yet, when White police officers shoot Walter Wallace, Jr., a 27-year-old Black, bipolar father of 8 who charged police with a knife, rioters plague the city in the name of BLM. Wallace, who was currently awaiting trial for threatening to kill the mother of one of his children, pled guilty to robbery, assault and possessing an instrument of crime in 2017. 4 years prior, he pled guilty to assault and resisting arrest after he punched an officer in the face. That same year, he allegedly threatened to kill his mother after punching her in the face.

The anti-Trump, anti-law enforcement narrative has enabled such behavior. When Democrats and their celebrity zealots pump people’s heads with inflammatory quotes, such as LeBron James claiming Black people are “scared” of the police, or when Jemele Hill says that police “extorting their own city because they’re upset that they can’t get away with murder”, it is only natural to expect violence against law enforcement. 

Perhaps it is Dems who are doing the extorting. It is not unreasonable to believe that Democrats are trying to leverage the violence to get Trump out of office. BLM is Democrat-funded and their Frankenstein creation has ravaged out of control.

Will we see more violence as Trump continues to turn Pennsylvania?

Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.

The Relentless Underdog


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