Why Have So Many Women Been Acting Out Lately?

Azealia Banks is at it again. 

Every so often, the “212” artist and Manhattan native gets diarrhea of the mouth and spouts off rather irresponsibly. Her latest rants consisted of more attacks towards Nicki Minaj, criticism of Hot97 radio personality Ebro Darden, and a little nugget about her sleeping with Dave Chapelle. Honestly, just another day at the office of Azealia Amanda Banks.

She is not the only woman in the news lately. Doja Cat is entangled in a racism controversy, so is Lana Del Ray. Then there is Central Park “Karen”, Ayesha Curry and her thirst for attention, Iggy Azalea is getting testy with Instagram followers, Gabrielle Union is STILL talking about the “America’s Got Talent” saga and Ann Coulter would not be Ann Coulter if she wasn’t constantly screaming for attention. Even outside the celebrity ranks, women are filing for divorce at higher rates since the coronavirus outbreak, women are shaving their heads, and many are getting naked on sites like OnlyFans to supplement income.

Why is there so much hysteria among women these days? It is as if they are going haywire for the public to see. To be fair, men are acting up, too, but we always act up. That’s kind of what we do. Maybe it’s Jupiter retrograde. Or, what if it is something bigger? What if some women are starting to realize that there is a great deal of responsibility being at the forefront of society? A responsibility that they may not be equipped for? A responsibility that appears more attractive in theory than in practice? What if some women have developed a case of stage fright as modern feminism puts the spotlight on them?

American women, arguably more than any other time in history, are pushing boundaries. They are demanding more money, rights, legislation, attention, and better opportunities for career advancement. This is not a bad thing. Traditional feminism, at its core, is about the empowerment of women, through civil and responsible means. Throughout various points in history, women have been oppressed. Women not being allowed to vote or pursue an education were issues that traditional feminism sought to address. In recent times, feminism’s radicalized reincarnation took control. Slutwalks garnered mainstream media attention. #MeToo swept the nation off its feet. A disgruntled portrait of Donald Trump became the logo of “toxic masculinity”. Modern-day feminism won. Women’s voices were heard. Men kowtowed to their gender counterparts. Women won the battle of the sexes.

Then something happened…

Men pushed back.

Men started subscribing to the Red Pill philosophy. YouTubers such as Coach Red Pill, SandManGreg Adams, and Oshay Duke Jackson informed men, from young to old, about the hypocrisies and double-talk of modern women. Sandman has discussed the many psychological tactics women use to lure a high-status mate. Adams has brought forth the Six Sixes Theory, where some women only seek mates who are six feet or taller, have six-pack abs, earn a six-figure yearly income, possess a six-inch penis, live in a home worth six figures, and own a six-hundred horsepower vehicle. On the other hand, the woman herself brings the Two-Twos (two children with two different men, two college degrees, and the debt that comes with them, and weighs two-hundred pounds). A slightly-fabricated depiction of men and women? Sure, but it brings to light the high watermark men are expected to reach in order to have relations with a woman of average stature and class. (Also, keep in mind this is YouTube and there is an entertainment aspect to this.)

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) was birthed. Incels (involuntary celibates) frustrated with feminism’s methods of withholding sex, emerged. Men’s Rights Activism picked up, acknowledging the negative consequences of gender roles from a male perspective. Why are men only registered for Selective Service? Why are men expected to bear the brunt of the financial responsibilities for a child, yet many times is not awarded custody of the child in a divorce? Why is the number of boys committing suicide on the rise?

Then came an interesting plot twist…

As more men started pushing back against modern-day feminism, an increasing number of women started pushing back as well.

Known as Trad Wives (short for traditional wives), these are women who prefer to take a submissive, secondary role to the man. It is a small, grassroots movement, but it is picking up steam, serving as a female equivalent to the male-dominated Red Pill movement. Alena Kate Pettitt, a British blogger and author of Ladies Like Us, writes in an article titled “Why Your Husband Should Always Come First”

“We live in an age whereby according to modern women’s media outlets, the ‘male’ contribution is now deemed less valuable than ever. We’ve heard it time and time again that “we don’t need a man”. Well paid jobs of our own can replace their desire or demand to provide. DIY shows empower us to pick up power tools no matter our gender. Even the physical part of their contribution for sexual satisfaction, and even creating a family can be replaced with batteries and science.

It’s true, while we might not technically need a man for many things in this day and age, so many of us still want one. Yet we’ve been brainwashed not only into thinking they’re useless, but they’ll be happy to stick around if we finally let them.

Frankly, it’s time to stop viewing men themselves, and namely, husbands, as defunct, replaceable, and surplus to requirement.”

The longer modern-day feminism continues to permeate the mainstream airwaves, the more its flaws and lack of logic become apparent. Many men want women to be uplifted and be contributing members of society, just not at their expense. Men are warriors, by nature, and will retaliate when provoked. As modern-day feminism and its devout minions continue to melt in their newly discovered spotlight, the tides may be turning. Women are winning the battle, but the war still rages on.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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Didn't Barack Obama Kinda Say The Same Thing?