Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Why Independent Media Pundits Should Be Allowed To Moderate Presidential Debates

Expectation feeds frustration. If you watched last night’s presidential debate hoping for a civilized back-and-forth on the issues that matter to you, or to be completely swayed into changing your vote, or even hoping for a fair fight, then you deserve all of the negative emotions you are feeling today. Many people knew going in it would be a feces fest, and a feces fest it was.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Kamala's #KHive and the Dangers of Blind Loyalty

Loyalty is often touted as an ethical superior attribute one must possess. In some cases it is. A journalist should always be loyal to the truth. Biased journalism gives the elites more power and is a disservice to the people.

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Vincent Williams Vincent Williams

Young Americans Have Made It Loud and Clear: They Do Not Want To Vote

America has been trying to urge young people to vote for generations, with not-so-encouraging results. Since the ratification of the 26th Amendment, which lowered the voting age in America from 21 to 18, young adults ages 18-29 have had the lowest turnout of any other age group.

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