Bill Burr Accurately Describes Our Political Divide, By Accident
Bill Burr is correct about one thing—we should stop using outdated terms like liberal and conservative to divide us. But let's be honest here. Division is inevitable. The question should be, what's dividing us?
Progressives Will Destroy The Big Red MAGA Tent
It's a pattern as old as time. Progressives figure out what they hate and try to tear it down, marching forward aimlessly in the name of "progress," trampling traditional norms. It is the opposite of conservatism. Conservatives know how to build beautiful things that can weather the test of time. We figure out what we love and conserve its beauty and prestige. That is my concern with Turning Point USA's AmericaFest and the overall future of the MAGA movement.
Candace Owens v. The Daily Wire: A Political Realignment
The Daily Wire separating from Candace Owens is a microcosm of the old liberal regime's repudiation of the conservative populist movement. The pristine narrative of "classical" liberalism has been fractured, much like the Republican narrative was destroyed in the 19th century.
MGTOW and Feminism Lead to the Same Godless Place
MGTOW and feminism are the same thing. They will eventually lead to the same outcome, fewer families and fewer people. Both attempts to solve theological and spiritual problems through secular and material means.