Seth Rogen Is Hollywood's Version of Eminem - Running Away From His Past

We are long removed from the days where Eminem wore the crown as counter-culture king. That title currently belongs to Dave Chappelle. Eminem would hellaciously and hilariously joust with any number of Hollywood elites and political figures. He set his sights high: Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Sarah Palin, President George W. Bush. His 2004 single "Ass Like That" is considered a career highlight by many of his diehard supporters.

Nowadays, Eminem tows the mainstream narrative. He spent much of Trump's presidency screaming "Orange Man bad," just like everyone else in the media. Last year, his guest appearance on Kid Cudi's "The Adventures of Moon Man & Slim Shady" featured bars criticizing non-mask wearers. Shady has gone from one of the world's most fearless entertainers to another woke mannequin in pop culture. 

Eminem is afraid of the cancel mob, which is why he started catering his music towards the SJWs. He fears having his life's work picked apart by some TikTok-obsessed college kids who never listened to his music. As he has aged, Em seems like he no longer has the strength to swim upstream.

Actor Seth Rogen has also lost his will to go against the grain. This is a man who proudly took part in some of Hollywood's raunchiest and satirical comedies. The 40-Year-Old Virgin, in 2005, was a critical-acclaim success. 2008 was one of Rogen's better years with Step Brothers, Pineapple Express, and Zack and Miri Make A Porno. 2014 was equally as solid with the releases of Neighbors and The Interview with his former friend James Franco.

It seems Seth has been attending Nazi-style woke reeducation classes because Rogen has taken a blowtorch to his past life. He has trashed much of his previous works, including jokes he made in 40-Year-Old Virgin and the use of the word "faggot" in Superbad. In addition, he has all but turned his back on James Franco during trying times.

Rogen even did his share to denounce "right-wing white supremacists" when he criticized Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

"I've been DMing with [Jack Dorsey] about his bizarre need to verify white supremacists on his platform for the last 8 months or so," Rogen tweeted in 2018. "After all the exchanges, I've reached a conclusion: the dude simply does not seem to give a fuck."

Judging based on his previous work, Rogen catered to Americans' sense of humor. His comedy was equal parts witty, brash, unadulterated, and sometimes grotesque, but always honest and full of life. Now, he lives in the Hollywood iconoclast bubble that is detached from everyday American citizens. So detached he is defending the rise of crime in Los Angeles.

Casey Neistat, a YouTuber, filmmaker, and multimedia entrepreneur, said on Twitter that his car was broken into last week. 

In delusion that can only be displayed by a Hollywood wokester, Rogen replies,

During the exchange, Rogen goes on to defend and justify the crime in Los Angeles.

Seth Rogen's response should trigger the progressive left. His statements are drenched in what they would label "white privilege." Some anti-racist "activists" claim white people are so privileged that they are unaware of their protection against adversity. Rogen's tweets are an embodiment of this ideology, but let's be honest about this. He will not receive any critique from white liberals or his elite Hollywood cohorts. He is on the right side of the political aisle. Now, suppose a political conservative such as Jon Voight made these statements. Jemele Hill or Ibram X. Kendi could not have grabbed their phones fast enough to send out a tweet screaming racism or privilege.

A friend of mine asked if Seth Rogen has always been so fundamentally weak. The answer is probably a yes. Rogen, in the past, has openly supported communism: "I mean, where I come from, 'communism' is not a terrible word." His parents, Sandy and Mark, were devout social workers. Seth has referred to them as "radical Jewish socialists." 

Communism works for entertainers who tow the government-approved narrative. So many athletes are afraid to speak up against the inhumane practices in China because they are far more popular in the Chinese market than in America. Kobe Bryant was a big deal here in the States but was damn near a god in China. LeBron James sells a lot of shoes in America, but it is nothing compared to his shoe sales in communist China. Stephon Marbury was a good NBA player, a two-time All-Star and two-time All-NBA. Marbury won a championship in China as a player and had a bronze statue of his likeness erected.

Some films do far better on a global stage than they do in America. The Michael Bay-directed Transformers: The Last Knight was an opening weekend flop in the US in 2017, with $69 million in sales. The movie did over $123 million in its opening weekend in China. In 2020, films like Tenet and the Suicide Quad spinoff Birds of Prey had poor US sales, but both hit $200 million in sales worldwide.

Seth Rogen might be woke, but he is no fool. He has been confirmed to be the voice of Donkey Kong in an upcoming Super Mario Bros film. Also, Donkey Kong is expected to branch off for his own movie, which Rogen will be the voice of. Anything Nintendo-related is enormous business in China.

The intentions behind Rogen's actions over the last few years are obvious. He is desperately trying to run away from his past to make himself a more attractive commodity in China's communist market. Friends or morals be damned, Rogen has picked his team.

It is not America.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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