Lack of Accountability Has Everyone Pointing Fingers

The meme with four Spiderman lookalikes pointing at each other perfectly illustrates today's ideological factions.

Feminists and Marxists of the political left, as well as red-pilled men and traditionalists on the political right, have become scapegoats for one another. Each group blames another group for society's ills. Feminists blame the Red Pill community for their belief in the patriarchy. The Red Pill community blames the traditionalists for being out-of-touch "tradcons." Traditionalists blame the Marxists for their anti-biblical worldview. Marxists blame red-pilled men for being too rigid and not caring about the common man.

Yet, oddly enough, everyone is correct. But, in a practice as old as time, blaming someone else is easier and more ego-gratifying than accepting blame yourself. When no one takes responsibility, everyone suffers.

The lack of accountability started in the Garden of Eden. When confronted by The Most High God for eating fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed God. Adam, Eve, and the serpent were all punished.

Modern feminists have become some of the easiest cultural punching bags. And I am definitely about to throw some fists myself. Reddit-tier feminist logic provides endless content. A female Reddit user, posting In the subreddit r/TwoXChromosomes, lists why all twenty-nine guys she went on a date with this year did not end in a relationship.

To be fair, some of these are very legitimate reasons. Misleading photos, lying about their name, inability to hold a conversation, and low self-esteem are perfectly sound reasons for not wanting to advance a relationship with someone. I don't blame her for not wanting to be with an alcoholic or a puffer of the devil's lettuce, either.

However, her checklist is all over the place. She won't date a Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson fan. Or someone who served in the Army. Or someone who didn't get the jab. Or someone who wants kids. Or someone who doesn't like cats. Or someone who likes anime. Or someone who has too many opinions. Or not enough opinions.

After reading her list, I have no clue what kind of mate she desires. This woman might as well be Bart Simpson and write, "I completely lack accountability in my dating life" twenty-nine times on a chalkboard. She clearly does not know or has thought deeply about her dating standards. Chances are she has not thought deeply about her standards in other areas of her life.

I do not entirely blame her, though. This issue is at the core of feminism. The movement's standards, norms, and values are rarely questioned by most women. In its over sixty-year march through our cultural institutions, feminism has convinced women they are oppressed. Women need to be in more positions of leadership as a make-good for the centuries of patriarchal rule they faced. A happy woman is a woman devoid of marriage and children, so they can acquire more money to buy cheap stuff from Amazon. Feminism tells women they are always right, no questions asked. If a man doesn't undeniably believe that Sean "Diddy" Combs, Louis C.K., Bill Cosby, Russell Brand, Vin Diesel, Vince McMahon, Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, Andrew and Chris Cuomo, Tommy Lee, Eric Adams, Jamie Foxx, Axl Rose, Nick Carter, and Cuba Gooding Jr. all conducted unprovoked sexual misconduct, then they are flaming, bigoted misogynists.

No accountability.

The Red Pill community, a group of men who reject the societal gender norms under feminism, points the finger at traditional conservatives and other religious groups for their "tradcon" views of marriage. These are views spelled out in the Bible. Genesis 2:24, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." Some red-pilled men, just like some feminists, conflate the person with the movement. They become anti-woman instead of anti-feminism. Men and women were created to commit to one another and reproduce. A society where men and women become nomads chasing material comforts implodes on itself. Cultures that heavily favor one gender or the other suffer the same morbid fate as the Greeks. Greek men succumbed to rampant homosexuality and disease. The Amazonian women were wiped out because, you know, they fought like girls.

Perhaps in the deep crevasses of the red pill mind, they know that their marriageless and childless pursuits of power, money, video games, iPhones, sex, and overpriced Starbucks drinks have produced a society that is not sustainable for starting a family. Instead of admitting the folly of their thinking and course correcting, they deem it more advantageous to double down on the "tradcons are cucks" rhetoric. Hey, wouldn't want to end up raising a daughter that becomes a feminist.

No accountability.

Non-believers, most notably Marxists, are in the crosshairs of traditionalists. Marxism is a dystopian philosophy that seeks to unite everyone under one political, theological, and economic system, often rife with pagan beliefs. Millions of people have been killed by Marxism in its various forms. The doctrine of Marxism cannot exist in a Bible-believing population. 

The traditionalists blame Marxist sympathizers for systematically ushering in a culture that is openly hostile to God, which is true. But who allowed it to happen? Did Christians make their voices heard when prayer and the Bible were removed from schools? Did the Catholic church push back against the LGBT movement? How many Jews allowed or promoted degenerate forms of entertainment? How long has Mitt Romney represented Utah in Congress? Why did the supposed God-fearing Iowa GOP members disapprove of the beheading of a Baphomet statue?

The Marxists never hid who they were or what their agenda was. Traditionalists were asleep at the wheel and have allowed Marxists to take over the culture. Now, some of them are finger-pointing and pearl-clutching.

No accountability.

Marxists, who claim to have the best interest of the common man, critique the Red Pill community, who also stake the same claim. In reality, both fall short. The Marxists and the Red Pill community miss the mark because many of them are free-market capitalist absolutists. The Marxists lie about it, but they love capitalism. The philosophical epicenter of capitalism is commoditizing human life, which the Marxists and the political left love to do. Abortion, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, and identity politics are examples of this. In fact, capitalism was a term coined and popularized by Karl Marx. But the Red Pill community and many conservatives do the same thing. They have made an idol of capitalism, making life all about GDP, taxes, and net worth. Everyone becomes a number. Not a soul or a being. It's very dehumanizing. I support free-market capitalism when it is constrained within a moral framework. Capitalism has become so secular and wicked in recent years.

No one is blameless in America's cultural downfall. Still, no one will set their ego aside long enough for deep introspection and repentance.

No accountability.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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