How 5+4+5 Equals 2000: Dinesh D'Souza Endorses A Government Surveillance Society

John Stuart-Mill, an 1800s English philosopher, once said, "Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." He then tried to clean up his statement with an even more egregious sentiment: "I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative...There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power."

Unfortunately for Stuart-Mill, he never met Dinesh D'Souza. a conservative-leaning bel esprit with a Bachelor's degree from Dartmouth. The timing of his independent documentary 2000 Mules is tremendous. Republicans are seemingly several months away from taking control of Congress. In a roundtable discussion in the film, D'Souza and his Salem Broadcasting cohorts discuss potential legal consequences for the people involved in the illegal ballot trafficking during the 2020 Election. He wants possible Republican lawmakers to mull this information over and take action when they get into office.

2000 Mules goes into great detail about the crimes committed during our last Presidential Election. Through data, witness testimonies, investigative journalism, and geosynchronous cellphone tracking data, D'Souza and his team uncovered some pretty severe crimes to ensure Joe Biden would win the election. Ballot harvesters, which the film refers to as mules, delivered hundreds of thousands of unverified ballots to dropbox locations. 

In Georgia, the documentary alleges there were 250 mules. Each mule made 24 dropbox visits, depositing 5 illegal ballots per visit. That equates to 30,000 illegal votes for Biden, swinging Georgia's 16 electoral votes in his direction. Likewise, in Arizona, there were 200 mules. Each mule made 20 dropbox visits, depositing 5 ballots each for a total of 20,000 illegal ballots. That swings Arizona's 11 electoral votes to Biden. A similar situation reportedly happened in Philadelphia that swung Pennslyvania to the Democrats. D'Souza hypothesizes that the illegal ballot trafficking resulted in 47 electoral votes for Joe Biden. Instead of a 306-232 victory for Biden, it should have been a 279-259 win for Donald Trump. Was there "widespread voter fraud"? No, but it seems as if there was enough manipulation in critical areas of battleground states that pushed Biden to the finish line.

I thought the film was equally enlightening and troublesome but poorly presented. It came off like a low-budget, scripted movie from the Lifetime network. However, the information and nuanced investigative work was spectacular nonetheless. It was enlightening because it pieced together the plot used to get Donald Trump out of office. Conservatives now have some resemblance of proof that foul play was involved. Interestingly enough, conservative news outlets like Fox and NewsMax do not want anything to do with the film. This could be the start of a movement to hold people accountable for the felonies (yes, election tampering is a felony) they committed.

The film was troublesome for one primary reason. Geosynchronous tracking data apparently makes it easy to track the whereabouts of everyday citizens. Using our cellphone ping data, any technologically sophisticated person can track the whereabouts of anyone they want, for whatever purpose they deem necessary.

The concept of government surveillance can be traced back to 1941 with the Atlantic Charter agreement. After World War II, the United States and the United Kingdom agreed to terms of what a postwar world would look like: "no territorial aggrandizement (expansion of power), no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people, restoration of self-government to those deprived of it, reduction of trade restrictions, global co-operation to secure better economic and social conditions for all, freedom from fear and want, freedom of the seas, abandonment of the use of force, and disarmament of aggressor nations." Two years later, the UKUSA Agreement was reached. This agreement later involved Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to form the Five Eyes Alliance in 1946.

The Five Eyes Alliance is an alliance in which the pact of nations, with no formal headquarters or staff, share delicate intelligence with one another. Some say Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech explicitly encouraged the alliance to defend against the Soviet Union:

"Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organisation will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English-speaking peoples. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States... the continuance of the intimate relationship between our military advisers, leading to common study of potential dangers."

The super pact established the ECHELON surveillance system to spy on the Soviet Union, China, and other socialist countries. When the Cold War ended, Five Eyes went from spying on government dignitaries and important persons to everyday citizens. The tragedy of September 11 gave the alliance and the ECHELON network the perfect excuse to expand its operations in what was dubbed the Global War on Terror. President George W. Bush signed the Patriot Act, which expanded the United States' ability to electronically survey citizens. ECHELON is still in operation today.

Thanks to document leaks by former NSA agent Edward Snowden, we know of "third party" countries that have entered the alliance. An arrangement called Nine Eyes consists of the original five countries plus Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and Norway. Later, the SIGINT Seniors Europe, sometimes called Fourteen Eyes, was created when Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden were extended invitations.

To summarize, all 14 countries use satellite and cellphone data to spy on their citizens.

A government surveillance society is the antithesis of a free society. Dinesh D'Souza has repeatedly promoted love for free markets, less government intervention, and his opposition to socialism. His New York Times bestseller The United States of Socialism is a shining example. He goes into brutally honest detail about why and how Democrats plan to turn America into an Eastern bloc country. 

However, I feel D'Souza and other conservatives could be falling into the radical Left's trap. The progressives on the Left vehemently want global surveillance. In his essay, "Why is Global Surveillance Necessary?" Pekka Puska, a Finnish physician and left-wing politician, explained, "Recent studies have shown how the global burden of disease is rapidly changing, such that NCDs are now the major health problem not only in the developed world, but also in the developing world. Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for one of every three deaths in the world, and many of these deaths are occurring in the "working age" population. Thus, surveillance and prevention of NCDs are major challenges for contemporary global health. Many industrialised countries have developed policies to address NCD prevention, but ministries of health from the developing world are increasingly turning to WHO for advice on the control of emerging heart disease, cancer, and injury epidemics."

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is using the power of the government to implement laws and initiatives that support free markets, fewer taxes, fatherhood, pro-life, and no grooming of children. Even though this is a solid use of government power, it is still an overreach of government power.

In 2000 Mules, Dinesh D'Souza advocates for the use of surveillance technology to bring the ballot traffickers to justice. Even though Democrats used the same technology to lock up January 6 protesters, it still pushes us closer to a globalized surveillance state.

If D'Souza's accusations are correct, people should be held responsible for what happened in the 2020 Election. However, I feel very uncomfortable with either side using cellphone data to throw people in jail. Honestly, I do not have a better solution.

We are headed down a dark road and it may be too late to turn back.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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